Chap 11: The Start of a Mission

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Atsumu POV:

I hit my head. I don't know why. My answer to the masked hero was a dumb response. I mean cmon! 'No reason'!?? Who says that!? I went to go take a shower, because jumping from building to building is more difficult than it looks.

After my shower, I ran over to my brother's room and burst in the door for a disgusting sight. I slammed the door shut and squinted my eyes shut. I'd tell you what I saw but I don't wanna hurt you like that. Let's just say...I think Rintarō and Osamu are taking their relationship to the next level!

I walked toward the kitchen and grabbed a banana. I was about to head back to my room but there was a knock at the door.

"Omi? W-what are you doing here this late?" I asked, nervously grinning. "I need to talk to you about something." Sakusa said seriously.

OHFUCKDIDHEFINDOUTALREADY!?!? He lead me to my room and we sat on my bed. "So, there's this new masked vigilante going you think you could do me a favor?" Sakusa asked with his usual monotone voice. "I'll do anything! What do you want me to do?!" I practically shouted excitedly. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Do you think you could act as bait?" he asked again, still unphased by my sudden exclamation. My jaw dropped. I had no idea what he meant by that. "What?" He continued staring at me like he couldn't believe my stupidity. "Well, he dropped something and if you hold it out as bait, he'll come, I'll shoot him with my web strings, and interrogate him." I felt quesy in my stomach, knowing I'm the vigilante he's talking about.

"I don't know..." I muttered. Sakusa sighed, but scooted closer and kissed me. "If you don't want to, you don't have to." he murmured against my lips before getting up to leave.

I stayed frozen, processing everything he said.

"Wait, Omi don't go! I'm lonely and Osamu is...busy!" I yelled after him. He looked at me strangely but shrugged. He came back to bed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly.

He started softly kissing my neck as I was playing with his hair. We lay in silence for awhile, both watching each other intently.

He suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was slow at first, but soon became more heated and passionate. His hands roamed my body slowly as he pulled away. I smiled and kissed him again. It wasn't long before he rolled us so he was above me, his face buried in my shoulder. I smiled again. I knew that when he kisses me like this, I don't stand a chance.

Yup, as you can assume, they did the devil's tango, the tango for two, the baby making process, tickled each other, had smeggs, WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT


Sakusa POV:

I woke up at seven a.m. this morning because I could sense something bad was gonna happen. Then I realized...
"Atsumu get down!" I pushed Atsumu down with me off the bed as there was an explosion by the wall. There was a big boom and a lot of smoke. It was hard to remain conscious. I heard someone coughing and then Atsumu was on top of me, crying.

"Omi what happened?" He coughed. He was covered in so much blood. I shook my head and held him close. "You're bleeding like crazy!" I shouted. "That's not what's important! We need to get Samu and Rinrin!" He replied.

I nodded and got up, carefully picking him up as we ran towards Osamu's room. As soon as we opened the door, we were greeted by a giant fireball. That explains all the smoke...Osamu was sitting on his desk, coughing. The floor was covered in papers and broken glass. I put one of Rintarō's arms around my shoulder and Atsumu did the same with Osamu.

We quickly made our way outside and watched the dorms burn. I needed an excuse to get out of here and fast! I gave Atsumu a worried glance. He nodded and said, "Uhhh hey guys? Omi's gonna go make sure the cops get here in time. We should go get cleaned up." I ran the other direction and into a valley, changing into my disguise.

Then, I swung up into the dorms and made sure there were no other students trapped inside. Once I deemed everyone safe, I went to the roof, where I saw that vigilante from before. I jumped up next to him.

"Do you know who did this?" The Black Cat asked, running a hand through his hair. I scoffed and said, "No, why would I? Did you do it? Or do you know who did?" I asked impatiently. He smirked and chuckled lightly.

"Not yet. But I think I might know who did this." He said, his eyebrows furrowing. He seriously looked pissed.

" okay? Do you need some Pepto Bismal or something?" I asked, confused. He stared at me blankly.

"Oh. Never mind. Anyways, I think we should meet up more. You know, to investigate more on this? Find out if it's part of a bigger plan!" He suggested enthusiastically. I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering how exactly he plans to accomplish his goal. He noticed my confusion and explained, "This is most likely a gang, right? If they're part of the government, maybe they're behind it." I nodded slowly.

"Okay then!" He exclaimed. "Meet me up here tomorrow!" He then threw himself off the ledge and into the trees below. I watched him disappear before I hopped back off the roof to meet back up with the others.


A/n: Sorry this wasn't as good or as long, but I've been working on it for three days between school, acting, and home, so I hope you know I really am trying 😣. My 3 year old brother was recently diagnosed with diabetes (type 1) so at home has taken up more time as well. Acting is more stressful this time around because it's a musical and there's more lines, music, and choreography to learn. And school we have a lot of quizzes, presentations, reading logs, and projects to do. But I really hope you guys know I'm trying my best! Love yall and stay safe!! ❤️❤️❤️

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