Chap 18: Relaxing

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Atsumu POV:

It had been hours since Omi was last home. What if something bad had happened. What if... what if Akio got him. I looked up at the security cameras Omi had put around our apartment and scoffed. If anyone needs to have an eye kept on them, it'd be Sakusa. His ability to disappear so easily made me sick sometimes. He's too damn good at disappearing. My mind started to wander again as I wondered why no one thought of him more.

I wandered around the apartment, having nothing to do. I heard our apartment door open, and I rushed to see if Omi was home. When I saw it was him, I hugged him. "Why the fuck did it take you so long!?" I asked, smacking his shoulder lightly. He shrugged, his cheeks pink. "I'm sorry. But hey... I got Akio. He's gonna be in jail now..." My face beamed with excitement, "Wait really!? Good job Omi-Omi!" I kissed him enthusiastically, wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed a bit but returned it.

We stood in each other's embrace for a minute before breaking apart, I could feel my cheeks heating up. I coughed into my hand and said, "So where is he?" I asked, pulling away from him completely, I took his hand, leading him into the kitchen.

He followed me into the kitchen, where we sat at the table. "He went to prison." I felt myself pout in disappointment.

"What if he escapes? Why didn't you just kill him?" he frowned, "Don't say things like that, Atsumu. It was the right thing to do." The words made me angry. Why couldn't he see I was serious?! "Fine," I sighed as I got up, going back into our room. I slammed my door shut and fell backward onto my bed. I groaned loudly as tears filled my eyes. I hated him. He deserved to be dead. Not in jail...


Akio POV:

I smirked whilst in the police van. Everything was going to plan. As we arrived at the prison, I observed the building every second I got. The place was big and surrounded with guards. I can't believe I'll be surrounded by such awful people. I mean, rapists, kidnappers, drug dealers.... murderers. Ha! So there actually might be people who think like me! That could make this a LOT easier...


Sakusa POV:

Atsu and I were cuddled up in bed, just enjoying each other's existence. It was nice. I missed my boyfriend dearly. I loved how soft Atsu's skin was compared to mine. And his hair... oh god, his hair. He looked so peaceful sleeping next to me. How the hell am I still alive...?!

He yawned and turned over, snuggling closer to me. I nuzzled against him too and closed my eyes. Just holding him was enough to relax me. He looked so cute while asleep. I chuckled softly as my hand traced down his cheek until I reached his lips. I pulled him closer and gently pressed a kiss against him.

I heard him giggle sleepily, his eyelids opening. I kissed him again and then moved some stray hairs behind his ear. Our noses bumped lightly as we smiled shyly at each other. He grabbed my hand and held it in his. We stayed awake together, talking about anything and everything. After half an hour, we both decided to go to sleep, so we did.

Atsumu POV:

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. My stomach rumbled happily. I stretched and got out of bed lazily, rubbing my eyes. I dragged myself to the kitchen and sat at the small table beside the counter.

"Morning sleepyhead," I heard Omi say with a smile as I looked over at him, he sat down beside me with two plates full with bacon, eggs, and some small fruits I smiled, leaning over to give him a peck, which he responded to eagerly.

I finished eating and wiped my mouth with a napkin, "I should probably get ready for school. I've got classes today. What time is it anyway?" I checked my phone quickly, it was 8am. I sighed quietly.

There's only ten minutes to go...

I got up and changed into something decent, then brushed my teeth and hair. The usual routine. Omi went off to head to work (Samu had modeling today, so Omi had to take the pictures). I left the apartment, locked the door, and headed to school.

Osamu POV:

I started heading towards the modeling studio, yawning. I didn't sleep well last night, since me and Rin got in a fight. What could we be fighting about, you may ask? Well, he said we should start looking at houses for when we're done with college, and I told him I wasn't ready for that yet.

I would much rather continue just living in a little apartment at the moment. He seemed upset with that statement and stormed off, leaving me to clean up the dishes. So yeah. I slept on the couch last night. And I've been thinking recently about moving out. But I don't know where I'd move to, so... I guess that would have to wait.

I entered the studio, spotting Sakusa on set. I nodded to him. "Hey, Sakusa." He gave me a nod and walked out of my line of vision. I sat down at my chair and waited patiently. I heard Sakusa adjusting his camera, "So I heard you and Suna got into a fight?" He asked, clicking a few buttons.

I sat down, "Yeah... What do you do when you and Atsumu want different things?" He chuckled a bit, "Well... we usually bicker about it, but we eventually compromise. Have you ever heard of that Osamu?" I nodded slowly,

"Yeah, thanks. Let's get started now, though, eh?" He clicked the camera again.

After another thirty or so shots, I noticed it was almost time for us to head to class. "We'll finish this later. Let's head out for now." He said, starting to put away his camera stuff. He picked it up and placed it safely inside his bag.

We headed out, and I called Atsumu. He answered after three rings. "He Samu. What's up?" I smiled, "Me and Sakusa are on our way to classes now. Just wanted to let you know." I said. He replied with, "Mkay. Also, what's up with Suna? He seems... upset." I chuckled nervously, "Oh... well... him and I got into an argument last night. Don't worry about it." Atsumu sighed, "Whatever. Just keep me updated, okay?" I promised, "Will do. Later then."
"Bye, Osamu!" He hung up, and I began making my way to class.



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