Chap. 12: Akio Akira and Akio Nakigou

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Atsumu POV:

Omg omg omg!!! Today I'm meeting up with Spiderman! Except this time I'm also a hero!! And we're gonna be on a mission together!! Since the dorms were wrecked I was going to stay at Kita's place. I'm assuming Osamu will be staying with Suna. I asked Kita if Omi could stay with us too, and he agreed! I packed what was left of my belongings and Sakusa did the same. We started heading towards Kita's house, who lived out in the country side.

"Sorry about your guys' dorms." Kita said, looking at me and Omi from the rear view mirror of the car.

"It's fine. It happens." I replied. Omi gave a small chuckle. The car was silent after that, but it didn't seem like anything else happened, so I figured we would be okay.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at Kita's house. He showed us into his living room, then proceeded to make some tea for everyone. I sat down next to Omi, feeling nervous all of a sudden. I realized me and my boyfriend were gonna stay with a friend who romantically liked me. But that's when...Aran came in!? Aran!? What's he doing here!?

"Hey Aran! What're you doing here bro?" I said casually.

"Well you see, I don't know if you knew or not but me and Shinsuke are dating!" Aran exclaimed, a huge grin plastered on his face.

That made me feel slightly better, because why else wouldn't he tell me!? If I didn't know before, I definitely do now.

I smiled back at him, saying "Congrats!" Then I remembered my meeting with Spiderman. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT HOW WOULD I GET THERE WITHOUT BEING SUSPICIOUS!? UHHHHH...OH! I KNOW! I'LL TELL THEM I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!

I got up and excused myself, "Sorry boys but I have to go! See ya later!" I ran out the front door and called Osamu to come pick me up. Sakusa came outside too and whispered to me, "Can I ride with you? I have some Spider-Man business..." I nodded and about 15 minutes later, Osamu arrived. I got in his car, giving Sakusa a quick kiss as an apology for lying. He just nodded. After that, the car ride was peaceful. I had my window down, which let in the cool morning breeze. That way, I'd be able to hear the birds singing. And since Osamu drives slowly sometimes, the music from the radio was playing pretty loudly, making me feel a little more relaxed.

We finally arrived and Osamu let us out and gave me a peck on the cheek


and left. I waved goodbye to him, turned to look at Omi (he didn't really say much today), and said "Well let's get this show on the road!" He chuckled slightly and we both set off. I changed into my superhero outfit and went to the place me and Spider-Man decided to meet up. He showed up a minute later and sighed a sigh of relief, saying "Thank goodness you're here!" I laughed and said, "Well...I DID invite you here!" He shrugged and changed the subject.

"So do you know who could've wrecked the dorms?"

"Welllll...not exactlyyy...but I have a suspect?" I said, trying to sound casual and nonchalant.

"Who?" he asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. I grinned evilly and said, "You won't believe it." He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my answer. "Well his name is Akio. Akio Akira, and he's a pain in the ass. Him and his family have been trying to take my- I MEAN, the Miya company for years now. They've been unsuccessful though, obviously." I laughed a bit. "But that doesn't stop them from wanting to take over. I know for sure they did something to make those dorms crash. Maybe someone saw the perfect opportunity, and told them, and now they're out to get revenge." My voice got quieter as I spoke the last part.
"Well we won't let that happen now will we?" Spider-Man said, sounding serious for once. I nodded in agreement.

And thus the rest of our day passed uneventfully. We were just looking for clues all day — failing miserably to find any. When it was getting dark we stopped at an abandoned building to eat dinner. I had gotten really hungry from spending the whole day looking for stuff. We went to a nearby convenience store and bought some soda and a few snack bars. Me and Spider-Man sat on a roof and started eating. "You know Spidey, your lips look awfully...kissable" I say, staring at his lips. "Uh, thank you?" He responded, confused. I asked him,

"Would you kiss me?" He took his final bite of his snack and got up. "Absolutely not! I'm in a relationship thank you very much! I won't cheat!" He sounded offended. I apologized and left, going back to my dad's house. If Akio was behind this, he'd be heading for Dad next.


Sakusa POV:

He just ran off.

'Pussy' I thought and scoffed. I decided that if he was right though, I should check on Mr. and Mrs. Miya. I used my webs to start swinging to Miya Inc.. I swung in through the window and started looking around.

"Hello?" I called out. No response. I walked around a few more rooms. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me from somewhere else in the office building. "Is anyone there?" I yelled. Suddenly, a guy emerged from one of the offices and started shouting at me. "What the fuck are YOU doing here!?" He yelled. I backed away and said, "I uh, I came to visit the boss. Is he here? Do I need to leave?" He continued yelling until suddenly he was interrupted by another person.

"Stop shouting at this...poorly dressed guy, asshole!" Mr. Miya said to thr employee. Then he looked at me, "Who are you anyway?! This isn't a damn superhero headquarters!" Mr. Miya said, walking out of another office. Oh god, this is going to be awkward. "Uh hi, Mr. Miya." I greeted politely. He looked at me weird and said "What do ya want?" He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. "Uh, well, I was thinking that maybe I could help you, you could be in trouble." I say bluntly. Mr. Miya looks skeptical and says "Yeah, and why would I trust you?" I sigh and reply "Because you're the only one who could help me out here!"

After thinking for a little bit, Mr. Miya started chuckling. "Alright alright, who's out to get me?" I nodded in response. "Akio Akira." He starts coughing. "Akio!? You mean the son of Akio Nakigou!?" I nod my head and say "Yup. So does that mean you could help me?"

Mr. Miya nods hesitantly and replies "I'll try, but I'm gonna have to help from a distance. If Nakigou took it to a point of blowing up innocent people's dorms, he may be taking drastic measures to get the company this time. I'll be taking my family elsewhere until he's in cuffs!"

"Oh, okay"

'How am I gonna see Atsu?'



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