chapter 13

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Ramadan had started and today is the tenth, and my supposed bethrol is coming for the first time, am i excited, nervous or scared i really don’t, all i know is that my heart has been pounding since morning without stopping, i decide to cook today for the first time since ramadan started, anty maamaa,sudaiz and hamood had been teasing since forever which is begininng to annoy me, i finish cooking 45min to the time of iftar i took my bath and also bath my baby, i dressed her up and also dressed my self, i wore a mint green floral material gown with touches of peach and red on it, azan was call, i said my iftar prayer eat two date and prayed my magrib prayer then i took my orange juice from my fridge and took few sip already my baby was feel up since and know she is with her dada who is taken his iftar with the men of the house or will i say the guys of the house since daddy is in his palour upstair eating with his wife, shahida came in meeting me making call and laughing, seriously hauwa am the boring one almost everytime i don’t get how yusuf finds me amusing and the most funny part was yesterday program seriously he had to corner me when we were on live like i almost had a heart attack from shock, hauwa laughed and said tell me about it my dear, yusuf is just that way, i raised my brow indicating for shahida to say what she was doing in my room becaused she hardly comes to my room just like that, ya fauzan said your guest is waiting, am sorry will be down in a bit i mouth to her which she understood right away, i bid hauwa adeiu before checking myself out in my mirrow, i was satisfied with my look which made me smiled. I exited the room and dashed down stairs i meet them all sited,hamood told me he was in the guest palour so i follow the coridor and entered the palour with salam he answered and i walk in my head down because i never new i could be this shy, i sat on the one sitter and nailah came and meet me saying mammaaaaa.

She entered the living room with salam, upon hearing her angelic voice i rosed my head from my phone to see the face behind the voice, the faced i wanted to see for a long time but couldn’t because of how busy i was or because of the fact am not still sure if i really need this marriage which am only engaging into because of my daughter, her head was down so i couldn’t see her face clearly, my daughter ran toward her which made her smiled and raised her head up. And hold and behold the girl without morals,the girl I swore to make her pay for disgracing me the way she did in paris.

I rose my gaze from nailah and i was shocked from what am seeing, more of anger and disappointment which was exactly what i saw in his eyex, i stood up immediately shaking my head i couldn’t say a word, he was the first to say no i cant get married to a lady without moral he said it angrly i calmed myself because his daughter is there wouldn’t stoop to his level in this angels present so i bent down and said nailah baby she said yesh mammaa go to uncle hamood and tell him to give you your chocolate, she ran immediately hearing that…….
I smiled after i stand straight with pride hovering all over me neither do i want to get married to a rude and arrogant scumbag like you, because am definitely out of your link, you are not even my type, i will be dead before i marry and animal who doesn’t have regard for human beings or their feels, he was so shocked because he never new i could say all what am saying now, he mustered much courage and said well the feeling is mutual because i cant married a lady without good virtue, neither can i let a slut be the mother of my daughter, i felt really hurt but i push it back and said then do the needfull mister i said and left the living room before i endup crying in the bastard face………. They all saw me going upstair in a rush and kept calling me but i didn’t answer them…… shortly he also followed suit carried his daughter and left the house without answering any question that was being asked.

I entered our house angryly without a proper salam and droped nailah, i saw them all in the palour watching tafseer i sat down because my mom called me back when she noticed my soar mood, she asked what the problem and why nailah was brought back but i didn’t say anything , i was worried because my daughter was crying she wanted her mother as she claims and i could’nt do anything because there no way i will marry jasrah or whatever her name is, mom told saudat to take nailah inside and calm her down which she did still curious, mom asked again what the problem is and i finally open my mouth and said the words that i know i will regret saying “ mommy ni bazan iya auran yarinyar nan ba kwata kwata bata da tarbiya” mom raised her head looking at me, why would you say such my dad who just enterd the living room said, because she not of good virtue, my mom looks angry but she didn’t say anything again she was just lost in taught, what brought her back from her reverie was dad saying am not going back on my word baza ka mayyar dani karamin mutum ba i had beg him for his daughter hand in marriage and he choose the daughter he loved most and you are telling me to go back and tell him no when the girl didn’t reject you, i will not do such a thing, infact idan ma yawon karuwanci take haka zaka aureta abba saidd angryly and stood up to live the living room, but abba imran tried saying but was cut off with a stren look, mommy also sign and stoodup because she was disappointed in him, from onset she had loved to join him and jasrah since they were little she had that dream because she loved the girl a lot but when he brought the girl that he liked she didn’t opposed but gave up her dream of making jasrah official her daughter, but when another oppoutunity came she grabed it because she didn’t want the good virtue of jasrah to pass her family, but for imran to be saying she has no virtue is what is shocking to her. He didn’t even see the face to try and persuade mommy, saudat who heard everything sat and asked him why he taught of her that way, he told saudat everything, she was surprised to hear all what he had to say because she new of all the story but i get why her brother taught that way anbody could, she tried explaining to him but he wasn’t ready to budge.
For the past five days saudat had been trying to persuade him into seeing reason but he couldn’t see, and the wedding is fast approaching, nobody could tell what is going on in jasrah mind because even when her friends and siblings ask her she always say she is fine, which she is not, she is just trying to hid her pain. Even when they asked her if she is okay with the wedding she smile and said hundren percent, but imran is still saying he doesn’t want her which annoyed his father more and his stubborness resulted for him to receive the slap he never receive since his father gave birth too him and held it as a grudge which he plan to take revenge on her….. Jasrah was fighting her battle alone she didn’t know who to tell her problem, because of how tormented she is she forgot that allahu is the solver of all problems. She has loss a lot of weight which her mom keep asking her why and she only said it the fasting, her mom didn’t believe since she know her daughter always fast monday and thursday but has never reduce she mostly starve her self in the name of diet but she it always fit as normal, but this time she looks sick, she never looks this ways during ramadan something is definitely wrong with her daughter, and she has to get to the bottom of it she taught.
Anty maamaa kept asking her but she told her the same thing always.what boarder her family is the fact that she refused to tell anybody what happened that faithful day.

Hy lovelies 💋💋

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