Chapter 10

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Jasrah's pov

Home Sweet Home
It is so good to be back home i said while sitting on the couch in my room,i had spend the night with shahida and it was really super duper boring,the gal doesn't talk at all,she did allow me do all the talking.........
Flash back........
So tell me about yourself,am uhm ahh why don't you just ask me what you wish to know shahida said alittle bit scare,okay then but don't you think it will look like an interrogative session i said,no i just dont know what to say she said,okay then let start by you telling how old you are,your hobbies and future ambition i asked,okay uhm am 17yrs old,i love cooking,dancing and reading,i want to become a flight attendant she state,wow what an accupation,i really hope daddy agrees to that,wow and we have a dancers in the house also which means we are really going to have fun isn't it i saif smiling toward her,she nod her head shyly,i laughed and said we will need to work on that aspect,you can be shy of me,you aint marrying one of my child,she giggle while playing with the ring in her hand which i just noticez,it looks exactly like mine,but mine has later J on the ruby stone,daddy got it for me last two year when he came back from his trip to ivory coast,i took her hands and stare at the ring which has an S on it,i smiled and look at her,i was jealousy because i taught i had it alone,but now i know she has everytin i have and it annoys me,it might sound selfish but i love being the only gal.........
End of flash back.......

Presently i am in my room with my two crazy friends,saudat had to go to lagos for her board examz,and this two fellows are annoying me to the bone marrow,hey jas siddy said,i looked up at her from my phone,what i said annoyed,she smiled and said mehesh is in lagos his coming over tomorrow she said while giggling,i stared at her accusingly before saying and how comes you know and i don't,she rolled ger eye before saying cut the crap jaz,you have been grumping since we came what wrong,i realised some air from my mouth before saying,i don't know and am sorry for being grumping but everything just annoys me this two dayx,am trying so hard to accumulate everything but i can't,it really hard,i don't want to be the bad guy,beside it their father's house they have the right to be here but still it hard to accept it,i try to smile because i don't want mommy and mood to be worried,i just can't let this feeling of deciet and anger which i feel toward my daddy go,believe me i want to but it hard,everytime i see him i couldn't look at him the same way again,it as if am looking at a liar you know,i don't know if i could ever trust him again,he was my super hero,my role model,he taught me how to be independant and i love him so much,so very much i said loosing my cool as the tears i have been trying to stop began to casacade down my cheeks,marsy who was in tears also hugged me tidely before siddy joined sandwhiching me between them,they began to wisper encouraging word in my ears.After a few moment my tear stopped and i smiled at them before saying thank you which they returned gladly,Okay how about a change of topic,yes i squeal, you know mehesh is going to here from me i swear i said dailing his number which i collected from siddy,hey baby he said after picking my call,don't you dear baby me i threating,he laughed whole heartedly before saying calm down hunny bunch atleast you know i was coming this week,what about the person am with,i hiss and said don't try to change the topic you evil spawn,ouch that hurt he said laughing,yey yey whatever who are you with,ammmmmmm that for me to know and for you to find out mehesh said laughing,you know i wish you where beside me so that i could punch that stupied smirk off your face idiot,awwwwn you have been hurting my feelings since earlier pwencess,goodbye mehesh talking to you is pointless see you tomorrow i said before hanging,siddy and marsy laughed before saying grumping i rolled my eyes and continue typing on my dairy.........


It has been really tiring,i just finish my meeting with mister coco bartia and am heading to my hotel,i have been thinking of my bethrol since I heard her voice,it keeps ringing in my head all the time like a mantra,i never new i could ever look forward to going back home but this time around i do because i will be seeing the face behind the melodious voice i smiled to that......

Jasrah's pov
Goodevening mommy i said while sitting on the dinning table,daddy is out on a business trip as always,i hope he doesn't have another family i taught....Mommy answered me cheerfully,i smiled and greeted fauzan who has been really busy this two dayx,i haven't really seen or talk to him since i left the hospital,hey princess hamood said to me he always sit beside me,shahida was facing me while shahid was facing hamood while mom fauzan,the twin also said hi to me which i replied genuinely,where is that big headed guy i said looking at everybody,who fauzan asked mehesh now,hasn't he arrived i taught you said he came hamood,you even said you were going to pick him up in the evening......Sis they are freshing up,they will be here in a jeffy,okay i saif while opening the warmer.......

Peace and blessing of Allah be upon you all,that what i heard from two familiar voice,looking up i saw a smirking mehesh and smiling omair,i squeal in excitment before i stood up and ran toward omair giving a bonecrushing hug lolx just exaggerating,i hugged him before slapping mehesh in his am,he glared at me before saying wow what an awesome way to welcome me,whatever i said before dragging them both to the table,we served ourselves then began to eat a chat about everything and nothing,my mom was just smiling,she loves seeing me happy and moment like this feels her with joy....

Omair do you know i have unravel the misery behind prince's crushing life i said smiling,he smiled also and said i told you it was going to work didn't i he said,dont try to take the credit,because many goea to mehesh the master mind behind the plan and we did exacute it hamood adding bringing his hand forward and we banged our fist......

Fauzan just shaked his hand before saying i have little witches and devils as sibling,we all laughed and continue eating,shahida and shahid were mostly quiet since the conversation was out of their linq or because they feel oppressive.....
We finished our dinner swifftly before we settled in the living room watching news on NTA,it was always the usual,after the news mom decided to go to bed living us the children........We decided to watch a movie,we were all Kdrama fans so we decided to watch one of the series on netflex,i went to the kitchen shahida following behind to get us some pop-corns and drink since it going to be a very long night......
the kitchen was so quiet while i pop the pop-corn i poured it into three large bowl and set it on a tray,i went to the fridge to grab some soda.taking two bottle of coke,one of lemonade and a bottle of mountain dew,i looked towars shahida and ask what her anf shahid like to drink,she told me shahid loves coke i laugh and said it really  family thing and you i ask she smile and said mountain dew,i frown a bit because little by little i found out we have alot in common,i took two bottle of coke and a bottle of dew and set them also in another tray before we pick them and exit the kitchen to the livingroom which was now dark living only the light of the television set.
The center table was kept aside and love seat set on the floor of the palour,i drop the tray on the table and pick the drinking handing everyone his choice,i gave hamood and omair a bowl since they were seating next to each oda,i gave mehesh and fauzan then me,shahida and shahid......I was in there center holding the bowl on my laps and my drink in my hand,the movies began to play...The lengend of the blue sea,oooooooh i whine!!!!!! i bet it hamood that choose these particular movie,he laughed at time babyish act and puked his tongue toward me,i smiled evily and said i will surely get back at you before we continue watching the movies i had watch almost ten times because of hamood..........

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