Chapter 23

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She just stared at him not understanding what he meant by what he said.he heaved and began that very they after the knot was tied, I was with my friend and colleque, they organized a small get together for me I wasn’t in the mood for partying because of many thing infact I wasn’t in the mood for the marriage everybody knows, I was emotionally disorganized,I had no one to talk to, it was as if I was in my own world alone with no one on my side, I had conflicting feelings, I could not think straight, they were making jokes about schools life and all but I wasn’t listening, fuzail noticed my disinterest in all the activities but he didn’t say anything to me, to make the matter worst rashida was all over me.
I immediately interrupted him, and what was rashida doing there, he smiled a painful one before saying we all gruaduated the same year and she was roommate with Nabila nailas mom. I didn’t know my drink was spiked, fuzail came and told me we had to go because the bride was home already, I went to my parent house and they adviced me to which I was actually adamant about not wanting the marriage mom was very angry that she even said if I divorced you she will never forgive me, I becamed bittered thinking who were you to make my life a living hell, when actually I was already a living hell since before I met you, I was just looking for someone to blame and you were the perfect scape goat, on reaching home I didn’t even allow fuzail to escort me I came alone, I went straight to your room and found you sleeping on the prayer mat, I began ranting which work you up, I continued talking but you weren’t listening, it was as if you were on your own world because all the insult in ranted on you fell to deaf ear which angered me more, to make the matter worst your nightie was so transperant I could see everything, it didn’t help that you fainted and your thigh were all outside, I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness because what I did isn’t forgiveable, am sorry but I couldn’t resist you so I had you he said  with tears driping, I wasn’t in my right mind I wanted to stop but it was as if I was being push to do it, I just had that unexplained sexual urged and I couldn’t help it, even after you it wasn’t still gone I was still aroused, I wanted to pounce on you again but my phone rang, it was a call from Saudat, what she said stop me, I immediately picked you up and took you to the hospital, it was by the grace of Allah I reached the hospital saved and sound because I was just not myself, after you were admitted I had to see the doctor myself, that when the doctor examined me and he asked why I took desire pill, I was shocked, I had to masturbate to gain myself back, that how I knew my drink was spiked at the get together that evening he finished his stated with his head down and tear.
I was shock I couldn’t say a word, to I was actually raped and I didn’t even know, well I wouldn’t say I didn’t know I was in denial because I actually felt pain but I decide it was nothing I just treated myself with pain reliever and used very hot water for sit bath. He couldn’t look at me in the eye and I could say a word, I just held my baby so close to me with the tears brimming from my eyes. We cried for almost ten minute without saying a word before I clean my eyes, I was happy nailah was sleeping and didn’t see all this crying.
So you are trying to tell me I was raped I said looking at him, am so sorry that all what he was able to say, I mean what can he say and to think that he even insulted me because of the pregnancy was on believable, and you even had the audacity to say that I was going about with a pregnancy I don’t know where I got it from I scoff seriously you knew all along it was yours that why you never said a word or raised an issue I should have known, no sane man would see his wife pregnant and play dumb if it isn’t his, infact with the rate of hatred you had for me it was the perfect excuse to get rid of me. He sigh then said actually I never hated you, I just glared at him, and I can never label my child a bastard because I love him and we have I special bond. From onset I never hated you, I just hated myself, the first time I had your voice was when nailah went to visit you at the hospital and since I had it I couldn’t get you out of my mind so also when I saw you in paris I was in a bad place but I actually never hated you, what about the drink you poured on me, he smiled and said everyone was ulgying at you and I had to get you out of sight, I scoff this guy must be delusional, my life was a dramatic life and I don’t want anyone in it, I was already going through stuff, hunted by my pass, the monsters who are out to get me are not just rashida they are more than that, living my baggage live alone was what I wished for, but then mom brought a marriage proposal which I was so against it, I never wanted what happen to Nabila to happen to any other lady so I wanted to reject the marriage but I couldn’t I said to myself well I don’t love the lady so she cant be my weakness nobody can use her to hurt me, but since I had your voice it stired something in me, I knew I had to distance myself from you at all course, you voice sound familiar which made me to think about the mystery paris girl. But when I saw you I knew I would’nt be able to prevent something from happening to you so I have to hurt you to create rift between us, I had to install hatred in you so that you could’nt be my weakness but it was all in vain because after that night and the call from Saudat which made me knew you were pregnant I just knew I had to do something before they take you away from me to. I was confused, who are they and what did you do to make enemies IMRAN. He rosed his head to look at me, it was the first since he started his story, he smiled a bitter one and said that I can’t tell you but I promised I was only trying to protect you I never meant to hurt you or anyone. After he said that he stood up to live but I stopped him. In the flash rashida gave me I saw you having sex with another lady, he smiled and said did you see the face of the lady, I said no, he said it was Nabila, I was shocked, why would you take that kind of video then, I didn’t it was in caliphonia when we went for our honeymoon, our apartment was bugged and I didn’t even know, she even used the same video to turn Nabila against me, what kind of life have you been living Imran, what are you hiding, is it not better to say it so that you could get help. Don’t worry Jas am almost there upon saying that he left the room living me thinking if what I just heard was a scene in a movie. I have to get to the bottom of this she said to no one.

Your always ummeeter❤️❤️❤️❤️
Writing my final exams prayers are needed thank you
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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