chapter 14

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I told you to tell your parent that you don’t like me and you won't marry me but you refused, imran said looking at her, she stared at him like someone who had grown another head, and i told you that am an obedient child i will never disobey my dad to please you, you will have to be stock with me or idan aka daura maka ka sake ni you hear but i will never say no to this so call wedding so get ready to stick with this slut i said annoyingly, i need to get away from him before he kills me.
It was a day to sallah and also two week to my wedding, i was really tired with imraan's threat, that guy don’t know when to quit, i am almost shutting down because i can feel myself almost breaking down from my façade, since the ten of ramadan still today i never had a day of peace i alwayss cried my heart out alone, maryam is in Kaduna doing nysc while siddiqa is doing hers in kano and i can’t talk about it with saudat, i know she knows something but she is trying hard not to ask and i appreciate that,no matter how close we are he is still her brother.
Sallah came we celebrated it peacefully and happily which i tried to also, Anty maamaa made her signature sinasir which was fingerlicking but I had no appetite, I haven't seen naila since that day, saudat told me she is with her mother's sister in lagos,
Five days after sallah my lefe was brought which i wasn’t that excited, maryam and siddi were excited for me, when they saw me they kept bugging what the problem was but i said it nothing, we did gyaran jiki henna and i plaited my hair like the normal bride does, that fors days to the nikkah,we did bridal shower three days to the nikkah and i put on a charade and it was bought,we had drink and snack dance and had a lot of fun, i pretended it wasn’t my wedding and had fun for the first time in a month and it was really good for me though it lasted for only some hours, we also did mother days and then walima was the last event before the nikkah, i look beautiful like a bride should, just that i look thin, ammi and abbi came before sallah with omair we all did sallah together that why it was fun which made me forget my worries for a while, mehesh came after sallah.

The D day came and the knot was tied, omair and mehesh were supprised to see imran as the groom, imran who recognised him as the guy who he saw me with in the bar was startle to what he was doing here, in his dumb head he didn’t see any resemblance, he was just over shadow with his false judgement, after i learnt the knot was tied that when my water works started, friends were just teasing me finally mrs imran, saudat was the only one who knew what i was crying for even without me saying, omair and mehesh meet me crying, omair hug me and said why didn’t you tell me, i just keep shaking my head and he felt very sorry for me,  i almost made mehesh cried also, when it was time to convey me to my husband house again the water work start all over everybody there cried, because i was crying like someone who lost her parent, at very end i was send to my new home and left alone with a monster in the form of a husband.
Shahida eyes were very poppy,she cried with me like she was the one being delivered to the beast castle,though we grew a little bit closer during Ramadan and it was fun before the demon ruin my life,she hugged me and said I will miss you sis and I love you so much,my heart tied to that,I smiled a pain smiled to her and that was how I was delivered to the beast.

My dad called me that night he sat me down and advice me but i was still adamant that i don’t like her, then my dad said since you don’t like her kill her, amana ce wallahi kuma kaci amanar Allah ba zai bar ka ba, my dad said and stood up, my mom look at me shake her head and said wallahi ka yarda ka furta mata sake ban yafe ba. He was shocked another set of hatred began bloomed in his heart for her, who is she that his parent are angry at him because of her, he will definitely make her life a living hell.
His mom know him very well and how he can be that why she said that to him,she believes their marriage could be a blessing rather than a cursed.
He enter his house angrily without salaam, he barged into her room and mate her lying down on the prayer mat on the floor, it looks like she finish praying and end up sleeping there, she began to here shouting in her sleep she slowing began to open her eyes when she open them all she meet with was two angry pairs, she just stood up fold her praying mat and kept it aside, she then remove her hijab also kept it on the prayer mat, she was feeling a bit dizzy and also hungry but her mouth it tasteless she noticed a fridge in her room so she decide to check whether there is anything in it, he was still there ranting and she couldn’t care less about his present there, she began to walk toward fridge but the room began to spin she couldn’t stand still so she fell on the tiled floor in her bedroom and blackout.
He hissed and left the room not caring to check weather she is alive or dead.
How heartless could he be I (author) taught.
He entered his room and went straight to the washroom,he took his bath and perform his ablution,prayed isha and got ready to sleep,her taught then came to his mind, his phone began to ring and it was saudat,he wanted ignoring her but she kept calling so he picked the call, she just said Yaya kaji tsoron Allah and then disconnected the call before he start his unending ranting..................

Have this sweedies❤️

🍁🍁🍁Behind his arrogance🍁🍁🍁-ON HOLD Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora