Chapter 05

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It been a week since jasrah came to france and she's really missing home,she never taught she could miss home like this, It isnt boring in france but home is home,they went out almost everyday with omair if he is less busy,she went out alone also,she has gone to almost all the beautiful places in paris,bought plenty gift for everyone,she is looking forward to going home in three weekx......

You said we are going to a party,but you never told me the theme of dressing,is it not all business oriented she said looking at the all dressed omair,he held his head in fustration,jasrah are going to dress up or should i live without you, wow chill guy am going!!!!!!!......just give me thirty minutes and i will be done,okay  just make it snapping he said......

After about thirty-two minutes she came out wearing a dinner gown which aligned with her body from her chest to her waist and casacade down with a flare running down the marble floor of their living room,the gown was golden in colour which brought out her hazel colour of an eyez out,she wore little makeup,her head was rounded with her little veil and she held a cloutch to finish the touch,couldnt see the shoe she was wearing but i bet it amazing also,she smile at omair before saying how do i look,he kept his gaze on her before saying Hot... she laughed shaking her head before saying i think we should get going before we get late.........

The event center was grand and very luxirious,it screams money,every man and lady around dressed very elegant,she was so happy she had fashion taste if not she could have looked stupied today and make a fool out of herself,they work in, hand in hand with omair greeting and smiling at people she didnt even was really tiring,when they manage to sit down she spoke to omair, am never following you to any dinner again,seriously this is boring,he laughed and said you really complain alot,okay why dont you sit while i just say hellos to few people,wow my pleasure she said sarcastically,he smile sweetly at her before dashing into the crowd.

Sitting down alone for almost ten minutes typing only God knows what on her phone,she heard a faint salama she raised her head to see the owner of this sweet voice,she was met with a blue eyed guy,he was looking straight into her eye which made her waring,she began figdeting because she bacame nevous he salamad again,she answered his salama almost inaudible,May i sit he asked,she shaked her head without saying anything,there is something about him which made her feels insecure,she is not a person who normally judge at first sight but something tell hers to keep her distance and she was willing to follow her instinct,she began searching the room for omair but she did not sight him and that made her really scared,the guy broke the silence by saying my name is mahesh am half america half indian and you,she gave him a faint smile before saying  jasrah a nigerian and please if you would excuse me i would like to use the rest room she smiled,it not a problem dear it was nice meeting you anyway he said sweetly,she nodding before dashing away,he sound sweet but  the vibe she is having in her stomach was suffocating and she needed air,she was a party person but she couldnt understand why this one was suffocating,urgeeeeee she groan after sitting on the bench provided in the garden of the hotel,finally she could breath some fresh air,she decided to call home,after talking to her mom and sibling for like thirty to fourty minutes she decided to go look for omair since it was getting late,she entered the hall scaning the room to see where omair could be hiding,hold and behold she meet those eyes,those eyes that kept hunting her at night,she released the breath she was holding and diverted her gaze from him,she continue scaning the room before she saw omair at the end of the hall talking seriously to a client i guess.

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