Chapter 06

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So i was thinking,since some of you guyx aint understanding the writeup i decided to start writing in POV so that it will be alot clearer i hope you guyx understand more and enjoy reading.......Xoxo

It a bright and sunny day,the sun isnt hot but it inviting,i went out living omair and ammee at home because i feel bored and omair isnt helping my boredom state,i snap pictures away n post on IG and whatsApp status......

I have been ignoring saudat since this morning,she has been calling and sending countless messages,i even saw their chat of yesterday after i logout,it was sweet for my two sweetheart to standup for me,i still feel bad about what she taught off me,i dont want to talk to her in other not to say hurtful word that why am avoiding her......

..The most annoying part of all my adventure in paris is that am now a celebrity on youtube,even thou my face was not that clear neither was his but still it embarassing,everywhere i go people are looking at the video,whoever uploaded that video must be stupied and senseless,i can't help it but throw insult in my head to nobody in particular but nevertheless i wont allow it to boreder me beside i came here to chillax.......

After i finished my shopping which is of makeup items and jewelries,i dash to a near by cafe to get something to eat coz am famishing.........

I entered a cafe named Amor,it a small cafe which i love to come to anytime i come shopping,their snack is pleasant and their coffee is to die for,after places my order i sat near the glass window to get a better view of the busy city of paris,after about ten minutes or so my order was ready,a fair blue eyex italian guy approached me with a plate full of cupcakex and my hot coffee with cream,i smiled nicely at him and he nod turned around n walk away,i smile and continue sipping my coffe and eating my cupcakes while chatting on whatsApp with my sibling and cousin in our group call MANGA B.

Being the only girl is really challenging,i always tell my brothers and they alway tend to laugh and say i exaggerate alot,but hamood being himself always tells me that he is suprise i didnt turned into a tomboy,but i really love being the only girl since i get to be spoil blue black and purple,yaaaaah right my english,what the fun in speaking the correct english beside am happy being me,but you dont want to see my cute brother being overly protective and possessive,it sometimes annoying i swear,they have really driving all my suitors,not that i mind,since i have never been in a relationship,i am the type of girl who believe in fairytales,especially since i read alot of books ,reading endless summer,maiden,mi amor my love,second chance has made me love arranged married,seeing that my parent could choose the best for me. Even thou i love to have a relationship but because of how scared i am of heartbreaks i never gave the idea a second taught being single is the most pleasant feeling ever,nobody get to oder you around or tells you want to do.............

Hamood even end up saying that they get to choose a spouse for me,lol ,i will gladly accept anybody they choosed for me,i already told my precious papa to choose a suitor of his choice for me,cox am not a disney fan,i know dia is nothing like prince charming,beside am not cindrella i dont have a wicked stepmom neither am i sleepingbeauty or snowwhite,i dont fantasize that way............ Marsy n siddy always tells me that they have never seen anybody like me in their lifetime,imagine as if they lived in another life before,enough of me thinking about random things

Hamood: Baby sis guess what the lastest new is........
Prince: you are really a vibe wreaker hamood.......
Jaz: what could that be hamood......
Omair: i also want to be led in,in the famous Manga gosip......
Hamood: Calm down guyx,one step at atym
Jaz: hello!!!!!!! are you forgetting i am a gal,for goodness sake hamood am not a tomboy
Hamood: 😄😄😄😄😄 you know what i mean jaz baby but you tend to find everything amusing
Prince: i cant trade you two for anything in the world,i could use you as a TV show you know.
Jaz: haha not funny
Omair: am getting impatient hear.
prince: you are one of a gossiper mair....
Hamood: i need to take my time u know.....
Jaz: you are so full of yourself...... Oh lord i need a change of brothers,Lol
Hamood: okay here goes nothing,.......... Daddy has found a suitor for you..........Jaz

🍁🍁🍁Behind his arrogance🍁🍁🍁-ON HOLD Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin