CHAPTER 1 : Drunk Kiss

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The club was filled with rock music and smell of alcohol was all around of the domundi boys as they are having a late night party. The party was held to celebrate the new couple that officially declare on the tv news about their relationship. Tutor and Yim take this opportunity to spread the news about their relationship more or less to avoid hiding and living in anxious knowing their action was observed by paparazi.

Nunew sat at the corner being half drunk and half awake. He listen to his parents advice not to have too much of alcohol since he is allergic to it. P' bam was sitting across him and staring deepenly to him. He really like him from their first met. Nunew seem delicate and adorable to him.But, he does not get more chance to interact with him and today he already made up his mind to confess his love to nunew.

While nunew was halfly drunk he felt his wrist was being pulled by someone. The pull force was not so tight and hard but it is enough to drag him to the back of the club. His back was pinned to the wall by a big build body.Nunew look upward seeing a nervous and sweaty face of p'bam.

'Do you like zee?' the first question blurt out from p'bam mouth. 'Hia? Why are you asking that'. Nunew was a bit confused by the sudden question.  ' Nunew, please answer me.It is important to me.' p'bam sounds desperate for the answer. Nunew look down, did not dare facing the big build man. He was not fully conscious and did not want anyone to know about the feelings that he have for zee. He afraid that he might say that withouts he realized.

P'bam held nunew nape as he kiss him softly. The kiss was deepened as he start exploring nunew mouth with his tongue. It seem like he cannot stop himself although he want to. He did not want to take advantage of nunew and hurt him. Nunew was stunned by p'bam action and start to push him when he realized how close they are. However ,nunew push force does not give any impact on the big muscle body. The tears flow down his cheeks when he cannot escape from p'bam trap. P'bam met the wet face of Nunew and back off from him.

'What are you doing phi?' Nunew said angrily but still in weak voice since he still tired to fight for escape just now. 'New, I'm sorry. I..I didn't ..ok fine..I'm really sorry .I have no excuse. I like you. Trust me, I can give you love that zee can't. Forget him. mine. I promise that ..' his sentenced was cut off when nunew interrupt. 'No phi. I really can't love anyone else more than I love hia. Please phi. I just can't'. Nunew cut p'bam words with a stern voice just not to hear the promise words. He had enough of it with his ex that hold much more story about his life.

Nunew ran out from the space that trapped both him and p'bam.Without them knowing, there is someone behind the wall that watching them from afar.

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