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"Smile," The paparazzi man yelled, while his flash beamed on our skin as we tried to slip into the basketball arena along with our security and others. New York was cold as the air brushed against my clothes, and I shivered. Izaak handed me his jacket, but it didn't do much against the late-night breeze.

I felt someone yank my arm, causing all of us to stop in our tracks, especially Greyson. My eyes met with a news reporter who had stepped out of the sectioned line, about to shove the mic into my face, before Jordan stepped in front of me. "Sir, please step back," Jordan said calmly.

"Hey relax, I just wanted to ask a couple of questions," The guy responded, about to raise the mic once again.

Greyson grabbed my hand as Izaak insisted on escorting us in as things were about to escalate. Another security member pushed Jordan out of the way, "I got him, you go on in," Jordan respectfully nodded at the man, and started to catch up with us.

We first got court-side passes and IDs, then headed to the locker room since we had time before the game started. Our friends split from us to go figure out our seating while we searched through the players to find Logan, but I immediately recognized Greyson's family before she did, along with Liam there as well.

"There," I told her, pointing in their direction.

"Oh right," She smiled, pulling me with her.

"It's like hell trying to get inside of the building, I'm surprised you made it on time," Her dad spoke first, bringing her in for a hug.

"I know, but then again, one of the Jenners just came through," Greyson explained, before turning to me. "Also, family, this is Ariana, Ariana, this my family--"

"And Ariana's the girlfriend or?"

"Assistant, actually," I chuckled, answering her sister.

"Mm, she's hot, keep her," The same sister said, turning to Greyson this time.

The other sister sighed. "Shut up Jack,"

Greyson shook her head, sending me an apologetic look. "Ariana, that's my dad, Nathan, my mom, Vanessa, my little sister Jack, and my baby sister Logan and her boyfriend Liam."

"It's nice to meet you, Ariana," Vanessa was the first to say, with a warm smile. "I know my daughter wasn't happy about having an assistant originally, but she really does value her team and talks about you so much. I've actually heard that you're quite the singer--"

My eyes darted to Greyson, who stopped her mother in embarrassment. "Okay, I think she gets it."

"You talk to your family about me?" I smirked, watching the girl roll her eyes. "It's cute, don't worry,"

Nathan chuckled, watching our banter. "She reminds me of your mother, I love her already,"

"Same, anyone who can tolerate Greyson for months on end, is a godsend," Jack added, earning a few chuckles from the rest of the family.

"Welcome to the family," Liam smiled, sticking his hand out for me to shake, which I did.

"You guys gotta head to your seats, game's about to start." Logan interrupted, as the rest of her team were saying their goodbyes and joining their coaches.

"Shit, yeah," I heard Greyson whisper, peaking at her phone. "Ari and I are gonna go, they got our seats sorted."

"Right, it was good meeting you Ariana, don't be a stranger," Nathan said, giving me a small hug, as we all separated for the night.

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