thirty nine

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Rushing through the airport to make my flight, Zeke was by my side holding some of my bags. Only the two of us were planning to go, so we were trying to keep a low profile, which was sorta successful, only about three people spotted us.

"So your engagement is off?" Zeke asked, somewhat out of breath, while we speed walked.

"I don't think so, I don't know. I think we're just on a break, but she seems pretty mad,"

"Upset," he corrected, "I don't think she'd break up with you over something like this, maybe you guys are just out of the honeymoon phase—do you still talk?"

"Of course, whenever she gets a break. Her texts are just kinda distant though."

"Give her time, okay? You guys didn't propose for no reason, I doubt she'd just throw things away,"

By that time, we were at our gate, just as the flight attendant got up to close the door, she spotted us. Sending us a warm smile, she ushered us to hurry up, not even bothering to check our tickets. Boarding the plane and finding seats in the back quickly, I could hear the pilot, "Welcome everyone, and safe travels to Seattle,"


As soon as we landed, our driver and another member of security were waiting at the airport, so we left without any trouble. It was fairly cold, so I was happy that the car was warm, despite the Seattle snow. I texted Greyson to let her know we landed safely, not expecting her to get back for a while since I knew she had scenes to film.

I didn't stay at our hotel long, since I only had time to drop off my suitcase before I had a tour of the building to get to. Zeke offered to come, since he had never been to Seattle so we were riding together, only a few minutes late. It worked in our favor though because as we were coming in, a nervous yet well-composed man was rushing out of the elevator, adjusting his suit.

He recognized me as soon as he saw us, rushing over quickly, letting security know we were with him.

"Ariana Grande, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Daniel Scott, an assistant here," Daniel smiled, sticking his hand out, "I was assigned to give you your tour and I assure you it'll be amazing. Oh and you, I didn't quite get your name sir,"

Zeke gave a small smile, shaking his hand, "Izekiel O'Brien,"

"As in Rafael O'Brien?"

He raised his eyebrow curiously, letting out a small chuckle, "Yeah actually, he's my dad. Do you know him?"

"Lucky guess, but my dad did though...he spent a little time overseas."

"Diego Scott?"

"That's him," Daniel chuckled, turning to me, "Should we begin?" and before I could answer, another man was walking inside, from his lunch break it looked like.

He stopped when he saw Daniel before his eyes fell on Zeke and I. His posture straightened just as he made his way over, a smile on his face.

"Hey, I thought you were on lunch," Daniel said, the man only shrugging.

"Lines were too long," He told him, his eyes landing on me, "Ariana, I've spoken with your father before but I'm Ethan Slater, the manager here,"

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