thirty five

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My hotel room had been fairly cold all night, which was perfect to sleep in, but when I woke up at around four am, it was horrible. New York was cold as hell and it was the first day of filming, so everyone wanted to get there early to find their trailers and schedules for the day. Sam, our director, would only give us a scene to film for today before he would give us the day unless he needed us longer.

For the first time in a while, I was somewhere alone, with it usually being Ariana, Izaak, Safiya, Jordan, and Zeke with me. After I officially met the cast three weeks ago in San Diego, with Ariana and Ben, I made the executive decision to go alone for a while to get some space and focus on my role. It was something I usually did since it always helped with my performance and I didn't need anything straying my mind away from the movie.

I made sure to leave out in sweats and a coat since February weather was no joke. I didn't see anyone else on my floor leaving to set, and traffic was pretty light since I left at 4:30. Set was twenty minutes away, so I pulled up around five. I parked my car in the main parking lot, before finding where the trailers were from the signs the crew had posted.

I was especially happy to see mine, which was filled to the brim with snacks and even little notes from the crew, welcoming me to set. What I loved most about it though, was the outside, which read, "Peyton Parker - Greyson Cameron", and mine was in between two other trailers, also reading, "Flash Thompson - Michael Evans Behling" and "Mary Jane Watson - Madelaine Petsch".


"Ready, action!" Sam yelled, and I immediately focused on the scene.

I walked down the school hallways, holding my books as I was on my way to my locker, just like the script read.

"Parker," I heard Mike running down the hallway, to catch up with me. "Hey, where did you go last night after Harry's party?"

"Oh, I was um—" just like Tom Holland's Spiderman, the movie was taking place after Peyton had already been bit.

"Doesn't matter, Watson was asking where you were, bro. Maybe you'll finally get together this year,"

"MJ and I are just friends, Flash...I don't know if you can even call us that. After robotics, I haven't seen her all summer."

"Yeah, because she was on some internship trip with Harry, which I heard you got an invite to, but you were with Stark, right? I forgot to ask,  how did it go?"

"Great, Stark's pretty cool,"

"Did you meet any of the Avengers—Spiderman, maybe?"

"I met Captain America and Bruce Banner briefly, they were nice,"

"Well, what did you do? We barely talked all summer, did he have you in his lab—or the Avengers tower—did he take you to Wakanda?"

"I was just there to give them coffee, Flash,"

"And you turned down a summer with the girl of your dreams at Oscorp for that?" Mike scoffed, shaking his head with a small laugh, "How was meeting Tony, though? I heard he's humble,"

"It was..." I trailed off, stopping in the hallway, as the cameras flashed to the redhead down the hall. I wish I could blame it on my acting skills, but it felt like my heart had stopped literally. I hadn't seen Madelaine since Chicago and I just froze, watching as she waved at me—Peyton, walking our way. My throat was dry, my eyes flashing between the two. Out of all the gingers they could pick, her?

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