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The night was still fairly early as my parents, Frankie, and I sat around the table. There was an empty seat between me and my brother, which was supposed to be for Greyson, but she hadn't shown up yet. A part of me was actually starting to doubt she would, considering the amount of rumors about us that had circulated.

They eventually started to die down, after a pap released something about her and Dylan. Which I didn't entirely believe because I knew she didn't like Dylan like that or at least I hoped so. From what I've heard, he wasn't the best boyfriend and she could do better.

My parents went on to talk about something business-wise with Frankie and I zoned out until I felt my phone vibrating in my lap. I picked it up, with a smile, reading, "greyson🖤" at the top of the screen. Which, the three only looked at me with confused looks, as I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"Ari! I'm sorry I'm late, Safiya had to circle the building a couple of times because of the amount of paps here. I guess they heard you were in the building, so they've got the entrance covered."

"I didn't even notice, since we're like upstairs, towards the back windows. Are you able to get in?"

"Um, I'm trying to now."

"Should I come get you?"

She paused for a second. "Yes."

"I'm coming," I giggled, getting up from my seat, letting my family know I'd be back. I walked away from our table, going back downstairs to get on the elevator and get to the first floor.

"You're a savior." I could tell the woman was smiling.

"Yeah, yeah," was all I said, stepping out of the elevator as it stopped. "Shit," I mumbled, seeing what she meant by the entrance being covered.

They had most of their security waiting by the doors and anyone who was trying to leave, had to sneak out the back because it was so packed. I could see Greyson by the door, with her head down as people tried to take as many pictures as they could with her there and vulnerable.

"Oh, I see you."

"I know, I see you too." I walked over to the security desk, where there was a man sitting there, and placed my phone on my shoulder.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asked nicely, stopping his work to look up at me.

"Yes please," I gave him a small smile as I went on to explain the situation. "My friend's trying to get into the reservation I made but she can't get in."

"I'm sorry, there isn't much I can do right now. So many people are trying to get in so we need to check IDs and things like—wait, do I know you?"

I raised my eyebrow curiously. "No? I don't think so."

"Yeah I do actually, you're dating Greyson Cameron, right? I saw your face on my phone the other day while I was watching her sister's basketball game. That's the friend outside?" But he put air quotes over the word "friend".

"Yeah actually, she's right there."

He looked at where I was referring to, seeing Greyson being overwhelmed with fans and such.

The man got up from his chair, "I'll see what I can do," He said, walking to the doors to talk to another security member, and the host that was there.

I raised the phone back up to my ear. "Security's coming to let you in."

"Couldn't have done it without you." I saw her smile through the window, as I waved, to which she waved back and we both let out a laugh.

Sure enough, the same security guard slipped through the doors, leading the woman into the restaurant carefully, as paparazzi started to rush towards the two and get inside. The whole ordeal took about two seconds in real time but watching it play out felt longer than that. She was able to safely get in though, as paps were still attempting to snap pictures.

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