twenty four

186 8 0


August was soon coming to a close after a hectic, but peaceful month. Greyson and Jack's movie had been indefinitely postponed, which meant we were spending most of our time in either LA or Melbourne. My family insisted on inviting her over for dinner since it had been a while and they missed us.

We still had yet to confirm our relationship with either side of our families, which we intended to do with mine tonight. Speaking of which, things between us were better than usual. With all the extra time she had off, we spent a lot of it together, going on little lowkey dates and getting away from the world. None of our friends or siblings had picked up on us yet, but we definitely weren't off the hook either.

We arrived at my mom's around eight, just fifteen minutes later than we were supposed to because of LA traffic. Frankie was already there and on time surprisingly, and my parents were seated across from each other, yet still leaving space for Greyson and I to sit together.

"I didn't think you guys were coming," Mom said, being the one to open the door as she embraced Greyson, then me.

"We wouldn't miss it," My girlfriend smiled, stepping into the house first.

"It's just the traffic was horrible," I added, following behind the two as we said hi to Frankie and dad, before we all started to eat, cracking light jokes while we did.

Dad turned over to Greyson with a smile still on his face from something Frankie said, "So I saw your movie was canceled, that sucks,"

"Honestly, only because it was a movie with my sister. I'm fine without doing it, I have another project coming up soon." Greyson shrugged, giving a small smile.

"Oh, and how's adapting to the movie star lifestyle, Ari?" He asked, looking over at me. I looked at him weirdly, confused at what he meant. "You know, like the groupies, the drinking, the is it?"

"We don't do any of that honestly, the most we'll do is travel but Greyson's pretty work-focused so she never has time to anyway."

"She sounds like a keeper," Frankie muttered, smirking alongside mom.

"Ari, you don't have to lie to protect your friend. I know what celebrities are like,"

"She's not lying Ed," Greyson added, his eyes looking over at her. "I'm usually backed up with work so I never have time to even do those things if I wanted to."

"C'mon, I know what you hired my daughter for, it's obvious—" Dad started to say, before being cut off by mom.


"No Joan, she needs to hear it," He persisted, and I placed my fork down, waiting for him to say something out of place. "You wanted my daughter to be one of your little groupies. It's not a fucking coincidence that she gives up a three-year relationship once you hire her?"

Greyson's face dropped and I noticed the girl growing tense, as did everyone else. Usually, she was good at staying calm, and this was one of those times when she was really trying. "I didn't even know your daughter when she was engaged and I would never treat your daughter like a groupie or even have her with any. She's my girlfriend actually, and I have never once used or been disloyal to her. I'm not like every other celebrity and I've always been nothing but respectful to you, so don't treat me like one of them either."

"Is this true, Ariana?" Dad blurted, turning to me as he was starting to grow pissed.

"Dad, I don't see the've had a lot to drink, maybe you should relax." Frankie interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder but he brushed him off, still looking for answers from me.

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