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"Reports have shown actors Dylan O'Brien and Greyson Cameron have officially broken up. The link is in our bio if you want to read more," Jack read, coming down from her room, and putting her phone down on the table. "Honestly, I thought you and him were gonna catch real feelings but damn, you didn't wait."

"Nope, our contract said that as of midnight, it was effective immediately." I smiled, folding my arms as she took a seat across from me. "I just got off the phone with Dylan, he's saying that he can't even use his phone because of the amount of notifications he's receiving."

"Why are you able to use yours?"

I shrugged. "Turned off my notifications."

"Smart, so when are you planning to tell the world about Gigi?"

"No time soon, people just recently stopped questioning my breakup with Madelaine, so the news from my breakup with Dylan will probably last until October."

Jack looked at me weirdly, her lips pressing together. "But she's your first real girlfriend after Madelaine, aren't you excited?"

"Jack, I'm taking things day by day. You've never had a PR relationship or even one that lasted 4 years, I don't need you hounding me about this one."

"Fine," My sister sighed, sitting back in her chair.
"But you've never been cheated on after two years. I understand past-relationship trauma, but it isn't fair to half-ass your relationship with Gigi because of Madelaine or a work-PR, that you asked for." But you don't understand being with someone you don't want to truly be with.

"I'm not dealing with this right now, Jack," I said, standing up and grabbing my phone, "I finally get a break and you've come to lecture me,"

"I'm looking out for you," She called out, but I didn't say anything, deciding to walk back to my room.

Jack and I eventually signed our contracts a few days ago, being the only two still in Aspen since everyone caught an early flight this morning. We were supposed to leave Aspen tonight and I hadn't even had time to consider what I was doing for my birthday.

My mind had been occupied since the whole Ariana thing, I couldn't think straight knowing it was left unsettled. Last night, we finally got a chance to talk and she told me she was fine, but I doubt she would've caught that early flight if so.
But I knew I felt for Ariana, I wasn't exactly sure what yet, but I was happy, and because of Everett and Matthew, I wasn't sure if we'd be the same.

I couldn't really go to my parents about this, knowing they'd be disappointed I was getting with someone I didn't have serious feelings for. I couldn't tell either one of my sisters, since Jack was dating Gigi's sister, and Logan was focused on Liam after he announced his break from movies to focus on family. I couldn't talk to Ariana or Everett for obvious reasons, Jonas was busy with a gig, and my security wasn't the best at keeping secrets, so eventually, the pressure would crack amongst them and they'd spill everything. I was alone and needed to get my life sorted before it became unbearable.

I had a few hours until I had to board my plane and face the reality of what my life was about to become. It had been years since I'd been someone's girlfriend, and this wasn't a PR either, everything was real. As much as I loved my job, I never thought it would come down to acting like I wanted a relationship that was strictly to deter any suspicion from my relationship with the woman I actually wanted to be with; Ariana.

My room was somewhat of a mess, considering I had just finished packing twenty minutes or so ago. I wasn't too focused on that though, immediately fishing my phone from my pocket to dial my assistant. I knew there was still time to call everything off and fix this before it was too late.

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