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The morning flew by quickly, since we were all pretty excited to get on the boat that Logan had booked, yesterday night. I haven't been on many, so I was excited to just get out on the water, while Logan, Jack, and Greyson couldn't stop talking about going parasailing. Paige, Nolan, Bella, and Gigi were coming too, so we all agreed to meet by the dock.

Honestly, I didn't realize it had gotten so hot until I was pretty much there, and starting to sweat. And I noticed pretty much everyone came on time too, it just looked like we were waiting on Logan, Nolan, and Paige. Actually, I think he texted me to wait for him, but I didn't feel like it, since he was becoming too clingy.

"It's so damn hot," I heard Jack say, lifting up her sunglasses so she could use her shirt to wipe her face.

"Baby, I have sunscreen," Bella offered, starting to pull it out of her bag.

"G and I actually put some on earlier before we left, thank you though honey," Jack smiled, planting a kiss on the model's cheek.

"So responsible," I giggled, only teasing Greyson as she smiled.

"I knew you'd come yelling at me about it, sooner or later," She joked, referring to our times back in LA.

"I'll take that, thank you," Gigi said, grabbing the bottle from her sister's hands. "Hey, G, can you help me put this on?"

"Yeah," Greyson shrugged, walking over to a beach chair with Gigi so that they could apply the protectant.

I watched as the two flirted back and forth as her hands rubbed all over the model's skin, I was pissed. The whole trip Gigi had been wrapped around Greyson's finger, needing to get her attention in some way. I noticed she would always push up against her or laugh extra loud at her jokes, which no one else seemed to notice, but it was starting to get under my skin. And I was hoping this was just a fucking fling because if not, it was gonna drive me crazy.

About ten minutes or so later, everyone else came and we were good to head to the boat.

"Hey guys, I forgot to ask, can everyone swim?" Fletcher, our captain asked, before we pulled off from shore, to which everyone said they could.

"Hey, I actually wanna see how you steer this thing," Greyson said excitedly, getting up from her seat to go follow her. She ditched her button-up, exposing the rest of her abdomen as my eyes dropped to it, and so did Gigi's.

"Oh it's so easy," Fletcher smiled, ushering the girl to come follow her.

"I'll be the first to say it," Paige said, as soon as the two were out of earshot. "Fletcher is hot."

"You should get her number!" Bella smirked, playfully pushing her.

"I'm not into girls," The assistant shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. Which Jack muttered, "Denial is a river in Egypt," causing the rest of us to laugh. "No seriously, I think they're pretty, yes, but I don't want to date one."

"Sucks for you, girls are so amazing," Nolan added, sitting farther back in his seat.

"Ew, stop manspreading." Logan rolled her eyes, pushing his legs away from her.

"Girls are cool, yeah," Jack nodded, her hand resting on Bella's knee. "But Isabella Hadid? Gorgeous,"

"Jack's a simp," Logan mumbled playfully, as Bella blushed.

"I'm a simp? You and Liam did a date over FaceTime last night because you missed each other so bad, and it's been like a day!"

"I'm sorry, didn't you call me this morning to tell me you missed Bella when she left to get you breakfast?"

"Logan, I was hungover, you promised not to say anything!"

"Aww baby, I think it's cute—" Bella started to say, before being cut off by Logan.

Logan smirked, continuing their banter "Really cute Jack,"

"Okay enough about your relationships, all of you are disgusting," Gigi interrupted before either sister could continue. "But did you guys see Greyson's stomach? She's so sexy."

"Yeah, that girl is ripped." Nolan chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ew, I don't wanna hear that about my sister!" Jack yelled, covering her ears as if she were a little kid.

"Agreed." Logan nodded.

"No, she's right though," Paige pointed out. "I'm straight but I don't see how Ariana's managed to just only be her assistant."

"Honestly, I think things between them are strictly business." Gigi shrugged.

"Actually, we know each other on a personal level too," I added, all eyes turning to Gigi and I.

The model burrowed her eyebrows. "What are you saying?"

"Nothing, just that she's met my family and I could tell you where the freckle on her thigh is."

"Isn't that a little weird considering she's your boss?" She challenged, while everyone else stayed quiet, knowing things were growing tense between us.

"Not when I bring her relief." I shrugged, crossing my arms. "We're just close."

"Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore. She seems pretty unstressed with me, so, I think she's good."

"Nah, I don't think so." I said, watching as Logan seemed to be enjoying this. "Nice try though."

Before either of us could say anything, Greyson walks in, with a smile planted on her face as everyone looks up at her.

"You guys are boring back here. I was just steering the boat, " She explained excitedly. "Fletchers stopping the boat, for now, in case we wanted to get in the water, then we'll go paragliding."

"I'll hop in with you," Nolan said quickly, standing up as Paige followed.

Bella caught Logan's look to which she grabbed Jack's arm, "J, let's go tour the boat,"

She smiled cluelessly. "Sure, honey,"

"Gigi and I were actually going have a drink," Logan added, lying smoothly as she stood up as well. "We wanted to catch up,"

"Oh, have fun then," Greyson said slowly, confused as to why everyone was acting so weirdly. Gigi only hugged the girl as she disappeared to the front of the boat with Logan, as G turned to me. "You're coming in the water with me then,"

"Are you sure there are no sharks?" I asked, only teasing her as she smiled.

"Yep, I double-checked with Fletcher," Greyson chuckled, sticking her hand out for me to grab. "Wouldn't let anything happen to my air,"

"You're air?" I laughed, looking at her weirdly.

She shook her head with a smile, "Yeah, you're my breath of fresh air, I told you that already."

"Suddenly I think Kylie Jenner is less weird," I said, as she only rolled her eyes.

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