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It was like any other day on the road with my friends and I, except only Izaak and I were coming back in from the hotel's main entrance and using the elevator to get to our rooms. I couldn't remember much of what he was saying as we broke apart down the hall, since he was rooming with Jordan and I was of course, with Ariana. Zeke and Safiya had opted on rooming together prior to, considering they planned on waking up early to see the city.

I was on Cloud Nine, and opening my hotel room door, I didn't want the night to be over just yet. Maybe I'd call Jack or Logan since I knew they would be up. But my plans were canceled when I noticed how dark the room was, then I figured Ariana was asleep. Much to my surprise though, she appeared from the balcony's door, closing it as she left from outside.

"The view is so pretty." Ariana smiled, opening our curtains a bit more, just to lighten the space up.

"Wait, where even are we?" It didn't even cross my mind until now, I had no idea where we were. This wasn't where we'd been staying in Canada, LA, or even New York.

"Wherever you want us to be," She replied as if this was something I knew already.

"No seriously—"

"-You know what I've been wanting to do this entire trip?" Ariana asked, disregarding my question. She started to step closer to me with each word, which didn't bother me necessarily but I was nervous. Something about her was off. "Am I officially off the clock?"

"You had the day off today," I pointed out, almost wanting to laugh in confusion.

"I know, but," She started to say, only inches apart from me. "I wanted to talk to you as Greyson, not as my boss."

I raised my eyebrow. "Okay? About what?"

She didn't say anything else, instead starting to unbutton her shirt.

I was froze, my smile had faded and I only grew more nervous with what was going on. "Ariana—"

"-I know you aren't dumb, you see the way I look at you Greyson, so either we act on whatever's going on between us right now or never," Ariana explained, looking me in my eyes. "Tell me to stop," She added, and my mouth went dry.

"Greyson." I heard, as my room's door opened softly, revealing a streak of light. "Is everything okay? I heard you shuffling around."

I sat up, realizing it was Ariana standing by the door. Then it clicked, I had a sex dream about my assistant. What the fuck Greyson? "Yeah, it's just hot," I answered, realizing it had to be no more than a bit past midnight. "Wait, what are you doing up though?"

She looked like she debated whether she wanted to tell me. "Um, I had some weird dream so it's just been kinda hard to fall asleep again."

"Well," I started to say, moving my duvet to create an open space for her.

Ariana gladly accepted my offer, turning off the hallway light before coming inside my bed too. It was dark as we both sat in silence for a bit, each getting comfortable to look at my room's ceiling.

"I didn't know you were coming to my dinner," She said, referring to her birthday plans. "Everest told me you cleared your schedule."

"Yeah, I want to be there so I pushed a few things back."

"Well, I'm glad you can make it." Ariana smiled, turning over to me. "My parents want to meet you anyways."

"You're parents?"

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