forty two

113 5 0


Greyson was on set, filming one of her scenes while I was waiting in the back, eating lunch. Sam was with me, scrolling through his phone but still engaged in a conversation with me. I could see why he irritated her sometimes, but generally, he wasn't bad.

"It still blows my mind how you're MJ, or I guess Gwen Stacy, 'cause you know," He trailed off, motioning to my hair.

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"You've never watched Spiderman?"

"No, I have, when Ben got her the audition, she rewatched all of the movies like ten times a week,"

"Ohh," Sam chucked. "I mean like, you're who her MJ is based on. I can tell that when she gets up there, she isn't just acting—and she talks about you all the time to Mike, I always hear them giggling about you and Greta."

I blushed, looking over at my fiancée who was busy looking over notes with one of the crew members, "Oh, thanks Sam,"

"Thank you for making this movie so natural,"

"Surely Madelaine plays a role in that too, right?"

"I guess, but they don't really talk much outside of scenes. I thought that was weird because I heard they were old friends, but I guess people grow apart."


"Madelaine and Greyson are exes?"

I looked at him weirdly, "You didn't do your research?"

"No, I cast everyone separately so I never seen them work together until the first day of shooting."

"Well, now you know,"

"And this isn't weird for you?"

"Watching my girlfriend play her ex's love interest? Not at all."

Sam only laughed, excusing himself to go check on how things were going. Mike came inside of the room, with us exchanging a few words before he was called onto set. While I was gathering my things from the table, Madelaine walked inside, still in costume.

"Oh hey Ariana, I didn't know you'd still be here," She said, almost as if it was literal.

"Yeah, Greyson asked me to stay,"


"Where's Travis?"

"He flew back last night."


Her eyes shifted down to my hands, "Nice ring, is it like an engagement ring or?"

"A promise," I lied smoothly, giving a forced smile.

"It's beautiful, she did a good job."

"I know, she has great taste,"

"I could agree," Madelaine smiled, just as I frowned.

"It couldn't have been that great if you said no." I blurted, watching her face turn. I didn't even realize I had said it until it escaped my lips.

"You don't even know what you're talking about," Madelaine scoffed, stepping closer, "At least I got a ring."

"Yeah, in four years, I got mine in five months,"

"Maybe so," She shook her head, only smirking, "But that's four more years I have on you, plus she's with me all day, playing my girlfriend. Do you seriously think whatever you two have is gonna last? Her family loves me, it's only a matter of time,"

"The difference is, she isn't acting with me," I said, just as Greyson popped her head inside of the room, standing in sweats and a tank.

"We're good for the day, Madelaine," Greyson told her, before her eyes landed on me, "Ready to go, my love?"

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