twenty eight

159 9 5


After some careful consideration, we decided to spend Christmas at the Cameron's cabin instead. There was a week between Christmas and when Jack was discharged from the hospital, that all of us decided to make the drive. We planned on leaving in the morning while Liam and Logan left earlier this morning, Bella and Jack were on their way now, my family wouldn't arrive for another day and Jordan and Izaak were at Jordan's parents for the night but would leave tomorrow too, just in a different car. Safiya and Zeke left a few days ago to get home to their families sooner.

I was nervous for Christmas honestly, I didn't know how our families would mix and Greyson seemed pretty nervous too, but I wasn't sure if it was about Christmas necessarily. Besides that, things between us were fine, I think after the Jack stuff resolved, it was like a weight lifted off of her shoulders and she seemed much more happier, and I loved it.

This was also the first time in a while we had the house to ourselves. Greyson was busy in the shower, while I was cooking dinner. Without the pressure of a manager constantly reminding her when she needed to go back to work, she had been spending time away from social media and instead focusing on us and things going on at home. Although, she had been leaving out with Liam more than usual, I figured Liam was still getting things together for the proposal.

I didn't even hear her footsteps come from behind me, as she wrapped her arms around my waist, catching me off guard. "Fuck, you scared me," I said, turning around quickly as she just laughed, taking a few steps back.

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me," She smiled, once her laughing had calmed down. "It looks good though, baby,"

"Thank you, babe, but it won't be done for another hour or so,"

"That's fine, I'm sure we can kill time," Greyson shrugged, taking a seat at the island, while I turned over to her.

"I am so nervous about Christmas," I sighed, to which she looked up at me, wanting me to go on. "I mean, it's just a lot of people under one roof and we won't be able to just be free. Matt and I weren't really affectionate so it wasn't a problem, but we're in the same house as our parents for a week,"

"Well, it's not that bad, we won't be the only couple there, so worst-case scenario if our parents do hear or see anything, me and Jack will just do what we always do,"

"Which is?" I asked, letting out a small laugh as her lips curled into a smile.

"Blame it on Liam and Logan, of course," She shrugged, laughing as well.

"And you're not nervous at all?"

"A little," Greyson said, just as I walked a little closer to her, to hear her better as she talked.

"It isn't still about my dad, is it?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I just feel guilty that you're not spending Christmas with your dad too because of me—"

"Because of him," I corrected, grabbing her hand. "None of it is your fault and I'm okay with not being around him because I'm finally happy. I'd rather spend Christmas actually in love than being forced to smile around my parents when my old relationship sucked and so did his parents."

"Wait," She paused, looking up at me, her frown dropping. "In love?" Greyson repeated, almost in disbelief, as she stood up over me, "Ariana—"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop this on you. I've just been kinda thinking about this for a while now, and I guess it just kinda came out because I didn't know how I was gonna tell you."

"Well," She smiled, grabbing my hands to pull me in closer, "I'm happy you did because I love you too, Ariana,"

"Wait seriously or are you just saying this because I did? Because if so, it's okay that you don't—"

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