twenty nine

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Early the next morning, the house was quiet with mostly everyone asleep. Ariana's family would be driving in today, so the place would soon get a lot more hectic. Besides that though, I was happy that she was enjoying herself here with everyone, especially after such a bullshit relationship and so were Jordan and Izaak, who got along well with my family and seemed to have a great night getting drunk with Logan and Mom.

Liam and I were the only ones up though, almost done with another complete lap around the lake, even though it was still pretty dark outside. We went to bed the earliest after doing so much driving, so we didn't expect the rest of the house to be up anytime soon. Which was good because we could finally break away and talk, but it was pretty boring without Ari up.

"So," Liam started, just after regaining his breath. It was a mutual, but silent agreement between us both that we'd just walk the rest of the way back after so much running. "Are you nervous?"

"You have it?" I asked him, to which he nodded, a smile flashing across his face.

"In my suitcase, tucked nice and brought Logan's right?"

"Yeah, of course, it's in one of the pockets of my jeans. I didn't want the girls to find it during one of their present searches,"

"Damn, I didn't even think about that."

"Well, do you know how you're gonna do it?"

"Absolutely no idea, I haven't talked to your dad about it yet because he's horrible at secrets, but Vanessa's helping me get the whole thing planned out. What are you doing?"

"Honestly, I was just gonna keep it with me and just find the perfect moment. I mean I haven't talked to her parents yet, well her mom, but if things go good, I'll just do it whenever."

"You seem so calm and I'm nervous."

"I am nervous, but I know that if I don't get it over with, I'll chicken out and rethink my decision," I shrugged, Liam nodding his head as he listened, "Logan loves you, our family does, you have nothing to worry about, Li,"

"No offense mate, but it was the same for you and Madelaine, and look how that turned out."

"Good actually, it worked out for the both of us. She's happy with her career and stuff and I'm happy in my relationship, so even though it sucked then, things are a lot better now."

"And what makes you think Ariana's the one?"

"How do you know Logan is?"

"I've always known it was Logan since I met her, never doubted it...but you, you just met Ari, how can you be so sure?"

"How can you look at Ari and not want to spend the rest of your life with her?" I pointed out, a smile coming to my lips, "If it's not her, then it's no one,"

"Attagirl," Liam chuckled, clasping his hands together. "Well, may the best proposal win,"

I shrugged, holding my smirk, "We'll see,"


Coming back inside my room, the first thing I did was open my suitcase quickly, searching and finding the ring in my pocket. I opened our door quietly, swapping rings with Logan as I rushed to stuff the ring somewhere inside, without being caught.

The bathroom door opened, and my head quickly snapped to the Italian woman who was currently in one of my shirts and a pair of my pajama pants. I sat on the suitcase uncomfortably, watching as she laughed in confusion, coming over to me.

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