thirty four

154 10 1


I was rarely ever in Brooklyn and had only been once, but thanks to Ben, Greyson's schedule was booked and full of all sorts of things. We were here for an extended audition and they loved her, figuring she was the perfect addition to the Spiderman universe after Tom retired his. The only problem was, they failed in finding her Mary Jane, so she was hoping that whoever they picked for the auditions today would be it, which meant I had time to kill.

Luckily, Liam was also in town and I was surprised he texted asking to meet for dinner, but I gladly accepted, considering Greyson wouldn't be done until late, and we'd possibly get on a flight tonight if they found their MJ and wanted the cast to meet.

"Hey, thanks for coming," The Australian smiled, standing up from his seat as soon as he saw me. He went over to the seat across from him, pulling it out as we hugged briefly before we both sat down.

"Yeah, thanks so much for inviting me," I added, returning the same smile.

"No problem, I just figured maybe we could get to know each other a little better. You're fairly new to the family and we haven't really had time to talk, especially with the weddings coming, now would be best to."

"Yeah, of course," I said, peeling off my jacket. "So have you guys already started talking about it?"

"I've tried to, but Logan's been brushing me off. I think everything's stressful with the trade coming up, so she's just trying to focus...have you and Greyson?"

"Briefly, I think we're deciding on a long engagement."

"Ah well, at this rate, you'll be married before we are," He chuckled, as I only let out a small laugh, knowing he was probably right, "Are you nervous in any way? I know you've been engaged before,"

"Not really, but my ex wasn't anything like Greyson, I know she'd never hurt me or rush me into anything, so in a way, I feel...excited, I guess. But you've been married before, how do you feel?"

"I'm a little nervous, my engagement was fine, but we didn't even make it six months. I'm worried that'll be the case with Logan, but like you said, I know she's nothing like my ex."

"I think everything will be okay, the Cameron women seem sure of what they want in a way,"

"Yes they do," Liam said, with a small shrug, "I love that about Logan, she just goes for things, sometimes without even thinking."

"Same with Greyson, but I think she thinks too she'll know exactly what she wants, but her overthinking will psyche herself out and she won't go for it."

"But she did with you," He pointed out happily.

"And I'm so glad she did," I smiled, as the both of us grabbed our menus.

"What do you think about Jack and Bella?" He asked, even though our eyes were both trained and figuring out what we were about to order. "I don't think they'll last honestly,"

"What makes you say that?"

"Bella doesn't really seem engaged with the family, she kinda does her own thing, and I think they're just something temporary,"

"Maybe, but I just hope she doesn't hurt Jack,"

"Or Jack doesn't hurt her, Hollywood can be tempting," Liam said and I frowned, wanting him to explain further, "Relationships only mean so much here, everyone has secrets in LA. Like you and Greyson for instance, no one cares that you're together, if they see you or her alone, together even, they'll make their intentions clear with if you think the fans are bad, the stars are worse,"

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