thirty one

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"I can't believe he knew my size, I love it," Logan smiled, holding her ring out as Jack held her hand, looking over it. I was honestly pretty proud of myself for picking such a gorgeous ring, Logan had always talked about her dream wedding for years, so it was great that she would finally be able to live her dream out and piece it all together. On the other hand, I just hoped Ariana would love hers just as much.

"The ring looks great, but damn wedding planning is so stressful." Jack pointed out, shaking her head. "It would drive me insane,"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Well you're dating a Hadid, so I mean, how small do you think your wedding will be?"

"Fair point."

"It won't be too bad, I don't think we have to start planning yet...unless you're supposed to as soon as you get engaged? Greyson, would you know?"

"No idea," I shrugged since I couldn't even make it to the engagement stage. "But you just got engaged, you don't have to worry about that right now,"

"You're right,"

"Are you gonna tell the public?" Jack asked her.

"I think so, yeah, just so we won't have to worry about everyone finding out. I'd rather just tell them than someone accidentally—" She went on to explain, just before she was cut off.

"Greyson!" I heard Liam yell, causing me and my sisters' heads to turn to the door as Liam busted through it, obviously angry, "We need to fucking talk," and my smile dropped, because Liam was usually calm, so whatever he was upset about had to have a valid reason behind it.

"Babe, calm down, my parents are literally downstairs," Logan warned, before she frowned, picking up on how pissed her fiancé was too. "Wait, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, love," Liam told her, before focusing back on me. I noticed Ariana and Jordan following behind him and I started to think the worst. "I think we should talk privately,"

I cocked my head back, turning my attention away from him and toward the other two, "What's going on?" I asked, and Ariana's eyes fell on Jordan, letting me know it was something about him. "Ari?"

"Can we talk somewhere else?" She asked, and I was only growing more confused, because either she was about to break up with me or—I don't know, I just figured that's what this was about.

"I think you should listen," Liam offered, giving me a sad look, although he was still pretty pissed.

"Wait, don't tell me you're breaking up with her, that's pretty shitty to do three days before Christmas," Logan blurted bluntly, although she said what I was thinking.

Ariana looked at her weirdly, shaking her head quickly, "No, that's absolutely not what this is about, babe, I'm not breaking up with you, I promise."

"So what is it, then?" I said, looking amongst the three who couldn't seem to look me in my eyes, especially Jordan, who was abnormally quiet and looking everywhere else but at anyone.

Before anyone else could get the chance to speak though, Jack did. "Oh, I fucking knew it," She spat, meeting Jordan's gaze. "I saw it in your face when we were talking in the kitchen...oh my god, I'm right, aren't I?" She asked, looking between Ariana and Jordan, which Ariana gave her a small nod and he didn't say anything. "I can't fucking believe you, and you sat there and talked to my mom like it was nothing when secretly—"

"Jack, what the hell are you talking about?" Logan finally said before she could continue her rambling.

"When you guys were gone and Izaak was telling us about Yara, Dad asked how Jordan's love life was going and he mentioned some unrequited love bullshit, basically talking about how he had feelings for someone in a relationship."

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