Chapter Nineteen - The Warzone Experience

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Chris/Puffer: Underline
Matt/Blarg: Bold
SMii7Y: Italics


Lifting your eyelids up, you find yourself on the sofa, the television blasting out. You were sat up, so you look to your right, and your lover was sat watching. He must have sensed your gaze, as his head slowly turns to you, "How was your nap?" he smiles, sliding across the sofa to wrap his arm around your shoulders. You fall into his body, still exhausted, "I'm not gonna sleep well tonight now,"
"Does that matter?"
"What if I was to invite you to a session?" He smirks, pulling you closer. You pause, unsure of why he'd want you in a session. You had played bits of Minecraft on your computer, and you have other games downloaded, but you're concerned about starting them. "What game are you playing?"
"It would be Warzone, we'd teach you how to play,"

You freeze, remembering all the conversations they've had over the time you've known them about this dreaded game, and now they're asking you if you want to join them in playing. You take a second, thinking. "Yeah... Yeah, I'll join," you comment, lightly smiling up at him.
"Cool, just don't worry about it. It'll be me, Matt and Smitty." He pulls you closer, snuggling up. You lay there, in his arms, watching the television. You give off a light sigh, "Should we tell people?" you splurt out randomly, your thoughts taking over.
"It's up to you, Y/N. I love you, and I would share that with the world, but if you're not comfortable, I want to respect that." You blush, hiding your face in his chest. He chuckles lightly, before wrapping both arms around you, "You tell people when you're ready, whether that's on Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, even Discord, it's your choice."

He raises from the sofa after a while, slowly letting you lean against the back of the sofa, "What do you want for dinner?" You grumble, covering your face with a pillow; you seriously can not be bothered to think about anything, since you just woke up. He giggles, leaning towards you, trying to lift the pillow off, "Do you want me to surprise you?" You slowly nod, but strong enough for him to spot it. He lets go, and heads into the kitchen, a smile on his face. You sigh, before dragging yourself off the sofa, and up the stairs.

You clumsily crash into your studio, tripping over your own feet in the process. You laugh at yourself, before jumping into your chair. Pressing the circular button attached to the tower, and the square buttons attached to the side of the monitors, both screens light up. The keyboard lights up underneath the letters and numbers, the keycaps painted a pastel blue: your mouse painted the same hue, with a soft touch coating. You smile, just replaying your birthday in your head like it was recorded, and your face paints itself red. Your home screen flashes up, one side has a photo of you and Chris, the other side has one of the many photos taken at PAX.

Discord, Spotify and Steam pop up eventually, as they usually do - their consistent ritual that they're committed to. You log into Steam, and check through Discord while your computer loads up. Not much, just a couple messages between the guys. However, you notice a couple of messages sent between Smitty and Chris. Discussion of the session later. You smile, reading his texts in his voice. He's always soft-spoken towards you, smooth rhythm, but quiet. You love his voice, it's perfect for you. Your thoughts pause as you realise how creepy that sounds, but you shrug it off. You're dating, of course you enjoy his voice, who doesn't? Clicking on the light blue icon on your left monitor, loads up slowly. You decide that at least loading your computer up ready would make it easier later on when you start the session, so you leave the application to set up, leaving the room.

You reach the bottom of the stairs, still waking up slowly, and your lover appears in front of you. He grins, "Dominoes?". You slowly nod, grinning alongside him. He laughs lightly, "To celebrate your official first time playing the hell that is Warzone!" you both start cackling, before you head towards the kitchen. Dragging the fridge door open, one of the shelves is half-covered with drink cans. You grab the bright orange one, 'Fanta' illustrated on the front, and you crack it open before pouring into a glass of yours from earlier. The fizz rises while you pour, causing you to pause every couple of seconds as you never bother with the titling the glass technique. You lightly sigh before taking the first sip, the light orange liquid filling your mouth, your tongue tingling from the carbonation.

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