chapter 17

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Ok first I want to point out a few things. So Emilia has lived with abuse all her life. She has never been in a relationship or even had friends before her current friends.  Yes she's still on edge about her brothers and father but that's mostly because of the recent kidnapping ect.

Emilia doesn't know what a relationship is like. She has never been around anyone who is in a stable relationship so she thinks how Luca is treating her is normal for a relationship.

Second a small part of her can see she's being manipulated but her thought process is basically 'just go along with it to keep him happy' she's afraid he will turn against her if she angers him.

Emilia was distant when they got home. Matteo and Dante figured she was just nervous about dads reaction to the water balloons but Emilia's mind was on Luca's words.

She looked stupid.

She was a bad girlfriend.

She should be lucky she has him.

This is what all relationships are like.

She didn't want too loose Antonio though.

But Luca said she had to and she didn't want to anger him.

She was in her bedroom but she could hear the front door slam shut followed by shouting in Italian. She didn't understand most of it only the several curse words.

What she did manage to figure out though was the person shouting was Damon. She couldn't help but shudder, Damon wasn't nice to be around when he was angry.

She could hear him coming up the stairs. Even his footsteps sounded angry. She heard more cursing and then a door slammed shut making her jump.

She was scared to leave her room in case he came out into the hallway. She wasn't scared of Damon normally but after everything she had her doubts when he was angry. She had seen him angry before and at times it did scare her but she knew back then he wouldn't hurt her.

Suddenly a knock at her door was heard. She quickly opened it and Matteo was stood waiting.
"Dad wants to talk to us" he stated, he was very unbothered about the situation as he had been in trouble quite a bit and Dante who was also coming out of his room was even more relaxed, this was just another day for him. It was rare he didn't get in trouble.

"Come on let's go" he said cheerily.

Emilia regretted everything, as she followed her brothers who were relaxed she was a wreck. She was nervous and her hands shaking.

The boys were ahead so they didn't see the effect getting into trouble had on her.

Emilia had been in trouble before when she got suspended but that was different in her mind because this time it wasn't Damon dealing with her, and this time she had actively gone out of her way to do something she knew was wrong.

She followed her brothers into their father's office. He was working and didn't bother to look up at first, he simply told them to take a seat and continued to finish of working.

Eventually he finished off his work and looked at his younger children.

"So who wants to explain why I had a call telling me the three of you have got detention all week for messing about with water balloons. Putting them in each others lockers, having water balloon fights. It's simply not acceptable"

"We didn't have a fight" Matteo tried.

"Emilia did though. Oh and lying to the receptionist about why you need the locker combinations"

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