Senior Year

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Months had passed since the Byers moved away from Hawkins.

Everyone had gone their own way, hoping to move on from the horror they had endured the last couple years.

Hawkins never went back to being normal, even if everyone tried to pretend. They could all sense something was off.

No one cared to question it because they didn't want to deal with it. Not without El or Hopper or the Byers.

The town of Hawkins would soon come to find out they were about to face the biggest fight of their lives.

March 21, 1986

"Dustin!" I called out as I walked down the hall. I gently knocked on the door before opening it. He jumped from his chair as if he had gotten caught. "What are you doing?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Jiminy Crickets, Dusty. I'm in" Suzie stated on the other end of the walkie.

"Dustin?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"What? I'm just changing a grade. Come on where running out of time" he muttered back into the walkie.

"Oh, can she do me too?" I asked as I rushed to his side.

"Do you see it?" Dustin asked.

"I see it. Yikes, Dusty"

"Ok great. Can you change" Dustin asked looking to me. "My C in English" I whispered. "My sisters C in English" he asked. Suzie with a click of a button switched the grade.

"All done"

"Thank you" I whispered with a grin on my face. Dustin and I both jumped as our mother knocked on her door.

"Come on you two. You're going to be late" she exclaimed.

"Coming!" We both sung out as we rushed out of the bedroom.

I stood outside at the end of my driveway with my arms crossed against my chest as I waited for Steve. When he pulled up, I slide into the back seat, planting a kiss on his lips.

"So are we still on for tomorrow nights game?" Steve asked I sat into the backseat. Robin who was seated up front was too preoccupied with applying makeup.

"Uh, yeah. I don't see why not" I responded back.

"Robin's going to be there" Steve teased but she clearly wasn't listening. He looked back at me winking before steadying his eyes back on the road. "I guess afterwards we can got back to my place and have sex, maybe-"

"Huh?" Robin asked thinking she heard her name.

"Are you even listening?" Steve asked. Robin pulled her face away from the fold down mirror to look at Steve.

"Yeah. You two are clearly talking about your sex life so please continue this conversation when I'm not around" she snapped.

"Robin. You need to relax. Stop stressing about impressing Vicki" I said from the backseat.

"Yeah, you gotta be yourself" Steve added.

"Please. You two could ask out any guy or girl and get rejected. You'd be fine. I ask out the wrong girl and I'm the town piranha"

"Vicki is not the wrong girl" Steve countered.

"Returning Fast Times paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds. Do you know who pauses it at 53 minutes and five seconds?" I asked as I leaned forward joining the conversation up front.

"People who like boobies!" Steve exclaimed. "Boobies. Not a big deal. I like boobies. You like boobies. Vicki likes boobies" he reassured her as they pulled up to the high school. Robin got out of the car, grabbing her band gear as I leaned forward giving Steve one last kiss.

"I'll see you later" I said, flashing him a smile. "So will my boobs I guess" I joked before getting out of the car.

"Everyone into the gym!" One of the guidance counselors announced as she waved everyone in that direction. I followed a few friends inside making my way to a seat on the bleacher.

I glanced up to Robin giving her a thumbs up to finally talk to Vicki. She just swatted me to look away and leave her alone.

I rolled my eyes, and went back to watching the cheerleaders warm up before their big performance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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