The summer of 1985

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"Hey dingus, your children are here" yelled Robin.
Steve and I were enjoying dinner in the back of the Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor when the goons came and interrupted it.

Steve gets up sliding the glass window. "Again. Seriously?" Steve said annoyed. Steve opens the back door of the parlor so the kids can slip into the movie theater for free.

"Come on, Come on" Steve said rushing the children into the corridor.

"If anyone hears about this-"

"We're dead" the kids replied knowing the drill. Steve walked back into the storage space.

"I have to get back to work" I said with a frown.

"Okay. I'll just clean up" Steve said grabbing our to go containers and placing them in the trash. As I walked out of the back room the lights in the mall went out.

"That's weird" Steve said trying to use the switch.

"That isn't going to work dingus" Robin said.

"Oh really?" Steve said challenging Robin's previous statement. He furiously switched the switch back and forth.

After a few more seconds Steve switches the switch again turning the lights back on.

"Let there be light" Steve said. Robin just shook her head.  I said goodbye to the two and left the food court heading towards The Gap.
The next morning my mom and I headed out to pick up Dustin from his science camp that he attended for the last month.

As we approached Hawkins Dustin immediately pulls out his walkie talkie.

"This is gold leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. This is gold leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. I repeat: This is gold leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. I repeat: This is goddamn Gold leader-" Dustin said each time his voice getting increasingly louder and sterner.

"Dusty" my mom yelled probably annoyed at his stupid walkie talkie talk.

"What?" Dustin snapped.

"Relax! For goodness sake" my mom said. Meanwhile back home Dustin's friends were waiting in the house to surprise him.

"I'm in range. They should be answering" Dustin said

"You've been away a whole month honeybun. Maybe they just...forgot" my mom said nonchalantly. We pulled into the driveway. Dustin storming into the house, mad that his friends forgot about him.

I sat on the couch watching the scene unfold. Dustin comes running out of his room paranoid that robots have taken over. He is lead to the living room and is surprised by his friends. Except he's caught off guard, spraying Lucas in the face with hairspray, specifically Farrah Fawcett.

"We are going out" Dustin called to my mom before he and his friends leave. I begin to flip through the channels hoping something decent was on to watch.
The next day Dustin kept begging me to see Steve.

"Okay fine lets go" I said grabbing the car keys. "He's going to be mad that I took you during work hours" I said.

"Why because he looks like an idiot in a sailors costume" Dustin questioned.

"Hey, leave him alone. I think he looks cute. Now let's go" I said hopping in the driver seat.

We sped off towards the mall arriving a few minutes later. Finding a spot was hard as the mall was crowd during the summer. We eventually found a spot further back in the parking lot. Dustin sprinted off towards the entrance. We then took the escalator downstairs to the food court.

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