Those damn Russians

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"Hi welcome to the gap. Can I help you find anything?" I said to the two girls walking in. They turned around to reveal it was Max and El.

"Oh hey guys. Look around and if you're gonna buy something. Let me know" I said. I went back to placing clothes on a hangers and then placing them on their respective racks. I kept an eye on the girls as they looked at the clothes. El doesn't get to many experiences as Hopper keeps a close eye on her at all times.

Max and El brought up the shirt that was on the mannequin.

"How much?" Max asked. I walked behind the counter ringing the shirt up. I then clicked a few buttons.

"Oh it looks like it's free today" I whispered to the girls. Max and El glanced at each other.

"What?" Max asked.

"It's on me today" I said throwing the shirt in a bag and ushering them out of the store. I continued to fold, hang and steam clothes until 7 o'clock. Once I clocked out of work I made my way back over to the food court.

I walked back into the Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor. "Hey thanks for watching him. Is he ready?" I asked Steve as I walked up to the counter.

"I'll drive him home. He's having fun with Robin" Steve said looking quite nervous.

"You're not feeding into this Russian bullshit are you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"No....Okay maybe but it's fun and harmless Tam. I'll see you later when I drop him off" Steve said reaching over the counter giving me a kiss.

"Okay. Thanks again Steve. I'll see you later" I said grabbing my keys and sprinting out of the mall.

Dustin came home a few hours later. I walked to the front door. "Hey" I said.

"Hey" Steve said with his back leaning against the doorframe running his hand through his hair.

"Thanks Steve. I'll bring my binoculars tomorrow to the mall so we can spy on the Russians" Dustin said before scurrying off to his room.

"Steve really. He doesn't need this kind of nonsense filling his head. Did you forget about all the real shit that has happened here" I said.

"Tammy. It's true the Russians, we figured out the secret code and if it isn't then at least he's having fun. It might be nice to focus on something other than the demogorgons and the upside down" Steve said.

"Steve c'mon you have got to be kidding me. Dustin's probably making this stuff up to get your attention or something. He's been gone for a month and came back with a pretend girlfriend, clearly he feels alone and wants attention" I said.

"Ugh whatever Tammy. Don't believe me that's fine. Are we going out tonight or what? Clearly you're the one looking for attention" Steve asked all annoyed.

"Nah. I changed my mine. Why don't you just go hang out with Dustin. Solve more Russian codes or whatever you two idiots are doing... oh right becoming American heroes" I said slamming the front door in his face, stomping all the way to my bedroom. I jumped on my bed placing my face in the pillow, screaming my head off and releasing my frustration.

The next day I pondered about what I had said to Steve. Feeling guilty for being slightly jealous that he wanted to hang with my brother, I decided I would talk to him. It, however, would have to after my shift as I was already running late.

After going to work at gap for a 5 hour shift I walked over to the ice cream parlor but saw it was closed.

"Hey when did scoops ahoy close?" I asked a hotdog on a stick employee.

"Maybe two hours ago. That cutie Harrington left with the girl employee and two young children" she said.

"Oh thanks" I said rushing off to my car heading to Steve's house. I knocked on the door only to have his mom answer it.

"Hi Mrs. Harrington is Steve home?" I asked.

"No why? Was he not at the mall. He should be working today" she said looking concerned. Many parents, even parents who weren't too involved in  their kids lives became concerned about their kids whereabouts. Maybe Steve's mom was making sure he was working, especially since his dad was forcing him.

"I forgot. Sorry to bother you" I said walking back to the car. I drove to my house hoping Steve was with Dustin there.

I ran inside the house ignoring my mother's calls. I checked both Dustin's bedroom and the treehouse out back but both were empty.

I drove to the junkyard but I had no luck. Steve and Dustin were no where to be found. I decided to head back home hoping Steve and Dustin would show up soon.

As I walked in I saw my mom running around the house "I'm going on a last minute conference trip this weekend. Take care of Dustin for me okay Tammy?" My mom said as she dragged her luggage across the room.

"Okay mom. Have fun" I said pushing her out the door and into her cab.

"There's leftovers in the fridge" my mom called out from the window of the cab as she drove off. I waved until she was out of sight. Running back into the house to find the walkie talkie Dustin used to communicate with his friends.

"Anyone there?" I asked a few times into the device but on the other end was static. I threw the radio on the bed. A knock came from the door and I went to answer it.

"Hello?" I said seeing three men in suits standing at my door.

"Does a Dustin Henderson live here?" The one man asked. His accent wasn't from Indiana.

"Is this about the Russians? He was just kidding when we said he infiltrated their radio communication and cracked the code" I said. The men exchanged glances. Before I knew it I was tied up and a syringe pierced my neck. My vision became blurred and I fell into a state of unconsciousness.

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