What's happening in Hawkins?

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It was the morning of Will's funeral. Dustin, my mom and I all got dressed in our best black attire.

"Dustin c'mon we are going to be late" I said from my bedroom as I fixed my last curl. Dustin came out wearing a gray sweater and a jean jacket.

We arrived a short time later. We stood next to the Wheeler's and Sinclair's. Pastor Charles read a few lines from the Bible before we threw flowers onto his grave.

"Tammy" Nancy whispered pulling me to the side.

"Nancy what's up?" I asked.

"Jonathan and I need your help. I'll explain more later" Nancy said before whisking away with Jonathan.
The next day Nancy and I headed to an open field. We saw Jonathan shooting a gun. Bullets flying everywhere expect at the target, a can.

"You're suppose to hit the can right?" Nancy asked

"No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans? I'm aiming for those" Jonathan joked.

"Ah" Nancy said placing her bag and bat down onto the ground.

"Have you ever shot a gun before?" Jonathan asked the both of us.

"Have you met my parents?" Nancy joked. Jonathan and I chuckled. Jonathan then turned his attention towards me.

"I'm okay. I don't think I want to shot one" I said backing up.

"Yeah I haven't shot one since I was ten. My dad took me hunting for my birthday. Made me shot a rabbit....I cried for a week" Jonathan said

"Jesus" Nancy said under her breath.

"What! I was a thumper fan"

"I meant your dad" Nancy said.

"I guess my mother and father were in love at one point but I wasn't around for that part" Jonathan said jokingly trying to ease the tension for the previous statement he made.

"I don't think my parents ever loved each other" Nancy disclosed as she took the gun from Jonathan's hand.

"They must of married for some reason" Jonathan said.

"My mom was young. My dad was older, had cushy job came from a good family" Nancy said before aiming the gun and shooting it at the can. The can went flying in the air.

"Well my dad left my mom when I was 8 years old, leaving Dustin with no recollection of him. I think that was better for him though, cause I carry the hatred for him everywhere I go" I said.

We all agreed it was now or never to head into the woods. Slowly we entered hesitant to make noise and step on the leaves. However, after about 10 minutes of being precautious we walked more carefree and at a faster pace.

"You never said what I was saying" Nancy blurted out

"What?" Jonathan questioned

"Yesterday, you said I was saying something and that's why you took my picture" Nancy continued. This statement made by Nancy caught Jonathan off guard.

"Oh, uh, I don't know. My guess... I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. But for that moment...it was like you where alone, or you thought you were. And you know you could just be yourself" Jonathan said. Nancy remained quiet for a few seconds after Jonathan had finished speaking.

"That is such bullshit" Nancy scoffed

"Can I interrupt for a second. What are we even doing right now?" I asked.

"Nancy, you didn't tell her? Better yet she doesn't know" Jonathan exclaimed.

"I forgot I guess.... Tam we are looking for some type of figure with ... no face" Nancy shyly said.

"So we are chasing monsters like we are five?" I asked halting everyone's movement.

"Great she doesn't believe us" Jonathan said slamming the bat on the ground. Jonathan storms off and Nancy huffs before stomping after him.

"Ok cool leave me alone" I yell before chasing after them.

We continued walking through the evening, even into the darkness of night.

Nancy all the sudden stopped.

"What are you tired?" Jonathan snickered.

"Shut up" Nancy demanded.


"I heard something" Nancy said just above an audible whisper. A whimper could be heard in the distance. We slowly and quietly followed the sound.

We came upon a deer badly injured.

"Oh my god, it's been hit by a car. We can't just leave it" Nancy said. All three of us exchanged a glance before looking down at the gun.

Nancy hesitantly turned the safety off and placed her hand on the trigger. The deer continued to whimper and Nancy paused.

"I'll do it" Jonathan offered raising his hand out towards Nancy for the gun.

"I thought-" Nancy started but Jonathan interrupted her saying "I'm not 9 anymore". We all stood up, Nancy and I hugged each other waiting for Jonathan to shoot.

All of the sudden the deer was snatched by something and dragged into a hole positioned in the ground.

"What was that?" I asked panting. We followed the trial of blood, finding a dead end in the middle of the forest.

"Where did it go?" Nancy asked circle the forest for clues.

"I don't know, do you see anymore blood?" Jonathan asked.

I stumbled upon a tree with blood on it. A growling and thumping noise could be heard from the trunk.

"Nancy! Jonathan!" I called out. I was crouched by the weird trunk.

Nancy and I crawled into the trunk of the tree. Climbing through a web of slime. We came the other side to see webs of slime and dust flying through the air.

"What is this?" I asked. Nancy and I walked a little further when we both stopped. We saw a weird figure eating something on the ground.

Nancy and I slowly backed up trying our best not to disturb the monster. Nancy took a step into a twig making noise. The monster faced us growling. We both screamed and rushed back to the trunk we came through.

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