Morse Code

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Nancy, Steve and I were placing the tarps around the interior. Nancy ripping pieces of tape stopped to catch Steve's attention.

"Hey. What you did, um, helping the kids...that was... really cool" Nancy said going back to ripping tape. I was getting the next tarp ready for Steve to hang.

"Yeah. Those little shots are real trouble" Steve said as he climbed the ladder.

"Believe me I know" Nancy said with a smile looking at me. I smiled back. Nancy and I use to watch them for a couple hours every once in a while and we use to dress up for their D&D games. We, however, went back to prepping the shed nailing the tarps and stuff.

Everyone soon after came to the shed making the load of work go by faster. Once the lights were plugged in we went back into the house to wait for the next step.

The lights began to flicker furiously.

"What's going on in there?" I asked. Steve turned to me placing his hand around my shoulder.

"What happened?" Dustin asked as Hopper and Joyce barged into the house. Hopper ignored him, instead grabbing a pen and paper and sitting at the table scribbling something down.

"I think he's talking just not with words" Hopper said not breaking his stare with the paper.

"What is that?" Steve asked. A chorus of "Morse code" responded back.

"H-E-R-E. Wills still in there. He's talking to us" Hopper said. Joyce, Mike, Hopper and Jonathan returned to the shed. Hopper fed us the Morse code for us to decipher, using the walkie talkies.

As the codes came in we became closer to finding out how to stop this thing inside Will.

"C L O S E G A T E" we read out.

"Close gate" we said in unison as the phone began to rang.

"Shit. Shit" Dustin yelled as he ran to the phone grabbing it off the receiver and smashing back on.

"Do you think he heard us?" I asked looking around at the group. The phone rang again and this time Nancy pulled it straight out of the wall disconnecting it and throwing it on the ground.

We heard the monsters screeching in the distance.

"That's not good" Dustin said. Hopper came running into the house guns in both hands.

"Hey, hey get away from the windows" Hopper yelled.

"Do you know how to use this?" He asked Jonathan.


"Can you use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan again.

"I can" Nancy said stepping forward. Hopper threw her the gun. Steve stood in front of me, bat ready to swing. Nancy loaded the gun and had it aimed at the windows along with hopper. Lucas stood in front of Max with his wrist rocket ready to shoot.

"Where are they?" Max asked. A loud thud to the right of us made us all shift our attention that way. The demo-dogs ran straight towards the shed.

"What are they doing?" Nancy asked. No one responded instead we all listened to the sounds following their movement.

Loud snarls came in front of the house, changing the direction we were facing once again. A demo-dog went flying threw the window lifelessly.

"Holy shit" Dustin said.

"Is it dead" Max asked.

Hopper lightly kicked the demo-dog proving it was dead. Then all of the sudden the door lock switched and the chain went sliding off the door.

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