Hawkins, once again safe and sound

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"Those little shits" I yell. I quickly grab Steve's keys and help him to the car. I then speed up trying to catch up to Billy's car, the California license plate becoming closer in distance.

Steve slowly starts coming to his senses, taking heavy breaths and slowly blinking his eyes.

"Steve how are you feeling?" I asked trying to focus on him as well as the road at the same time.

He goes to grab his nose.

"Dustin?" He asked making me furrow my eyebrows.

"No don't touch it Steve" I said gently swatting his hand away from his face.

"You got in a fight. You did really good" I said trying to calm him down. He looked around and saw no kids.

"What's going on? Where's the kids?" He asked. I took a gulp before answering.

"They are right in front of us" I said hoping he wouldn't question it.

"In front of us? Who's driving?" Steve asked. As I was about to answer his question I saw the kids make a quickly left after picking up speed.

"Hold on Steve" I yelled quickly turning the wheel.

"Woah, Tammy you don't even have your license yet" he yelled as he held on to the car for dear life.

We pulled up to the pumpkin patch field and saw Billy's car parked.

"Guys. What the hell. Don't ever pull a stunt like that again" I yelled as I got out of the car. Steve more awake, got out too.

"We are not going down there. Hello are you deaf. We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear" Steve said trying to reprimand the kids. "There is no chance we are going in that hole alright. This ends right now"

Dustin talked Steve into entering the hole. I found it quite sweet how Steve had a soft spot for Dustin. It was almost like he couldn't take no for any answer, from any of them, afraid it would crush their hearts.

Just as Steve was about to enter the hole he turned around facing me.

"Tammy stay up here in case we need help or something" Steve said before giving me a kiss. His lip was all puffy and bloody but I still enjoyed it not knowing if this was going to be our last kiss.

"Keep them safe Steve" was the last thing I said before they disappeared. I would have petitioned or fought against staying back but my judgement knew better, as it would have been a waste of time.  I hopped back into the car, keeping the door opened, waiting for their return.

I anxiously began to bite my nails as the minutes passed.

I then heard the demo-dogs in the distance their growls becoming increasingly louder along with the ground beginning to shake a little. I sprinted to the hole to see the kids and Steve panicking. I helped Mike, Max and Lucas up out of the hole.

"Dustin. Steve" I yelled as reached my hand out. I watched as the dogs went past them.

"Eleven" Mike whispered. I pulled out Dustin and Steve, hugging them both.

"I'm glad you guys are safe" I said. The headlights from the cars illuminated the field, blinding our sight for a few seconds, before returning back to its original dimness.

"Did it work?" Dustin asked

"I guess so" I said ruffling his hair.

"Let's head back" Steve said wrapping his arm around my shoulder locking hands with mine.

"I'm driving" Steve said making the kids laugh.

"You're the best babysitter" Lucas said to Steve. Steve smiled, "I guess I am" 
One month later...

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