Will Goes Missing

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November 6th, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

"Tammy, tell your best friend Nancy to stop being an asshole" Dustin yelled as he entered the house slamming the front door behind him. I looked at my watch to see 8:30 displayed.

"Why don't I tell mom you were out past curfew on a school night, again" I said sticking my head out the doorway and snapping my tongue, emphasizing 'again'. My attitude towards Dustin made him stick his tongue out at me in a childish manner, blowing spit everywhere. I, in turn, slammed my bedroom door listening to music for a few more hours until I decided I wanted to go to bed.

Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Journey and Irene Cara filled my bedroom. I had begged all last year leading up to Christmas for a cassette player so I could play and listen to music freely. After much persuading my mom had gotten it.

Dustin's room which was across the hall was filled with radio static noises and middle school chatter.

"Dustin lights out now" I yelled hearing the static stop and the lights under his door turn off.

November 7th, 1983

The next morning I woke up Dustin feeding him some Eggo waffles for breakfast before heading to school. Our mother was most likely passed out cold from working the night shift and would soon be getting ready to work a day shift at the local boutique.

Mrs.Wheeler was generous enough to pick me up on the way to school, dropping Nancy and I both off. Nancy and I walked into school together when Barb a friend of Nancy's and a peer of mine joined us.

"So did he call?" Barb asked

"Keep your voice down" Nancy whined looking around the halls to see if anyone had heard Barb's comment.

"Did he?" She asked again in a slightly more hushed tone.

"I told you it's not like that. Okay yes he likes me but no like that - we just made out a couple of times" Nancy said as she opened her locker trying to draw the attention away from her

"We just made out a couple of times" Barb mimicked. "Nance seriously, you're going to be so cool now it's ridiculous"

"No I'm not"

"I agree with Barb on this one Nance, you'll be with the in-crowd in no time" I said chewing my piece of gum while blowing bubbles in between chews.

"You better still hang out with me that's all I'm saying" Barb said making Nance give her an annoyed glance.

"As much as I'm enjoying this conversation if I don't leave now I'll have detention for being late three times in a row. See you guys" I said before sprinting towards home room. I didn't particularly find homeroom important and often found myself wandering the halls and showing up late.

I continued my day by heading to a few classes before cutting out early. I never went to gym, my last class of the day. Instead I drove to the local fast food chain grabbing lunch and heading home.

A few hours later my mom came home.

"No one is leaving the house tonight or any other night" my mother yelled to Dustin and I.

"Why?" I asked as I peeked my head out of my doorway. I had planned to go to a party tonight but I guess that wasn't happening.

"Dustin's friend Will went missing the other night. The whole town is on alert. This is serious Tammy, they have search parties and everything. " My mom Claudia said as she made dinner.

"His low life dad probably took him or he probably ran away from that crazy mother of his" I said pissed I wasn't able to leave the house.

"Hey don't talk about Will like that" Dustin yelled from his room but I just rolled my eyes. We all knew the Byer's dad was weird just like the mother.

The town of Hawkins was a smaller town which meant everyone knew everyone's business. The whole town knew about Hopper's daughter and The Byers' dad leaving. Everyone also knew about our absentee dad. My mom moved us here when I was in 3rd grade to live a better life. Dustin and I's dad left our mother for a younger girl, which means he probably has a new family of his own now somewhere in Kentucky.

An hour later my mom called out that dinner was ready.

"Tammy go get your brother and tell him to get his but to the dinner table" my mom said as I walked into the kitchen. I headed back down the narrow hallway to the room across from mine. I knocked a few times receiving no response.

My initial thoughts were that Dustin was mad at the comment I made early about his friend's parents. I slowly opened the door to see Dustin was no where to be found. As I examined the room more closely I saw his backpack, walkie talkie and flashlight gone. His window was also open.

Knowing Dustin he went to play Dungeons and Dragons at Mike's house for a few hours. Dustin and his friends loved that game so much that almost every Sunday they gather and play D&D for hours on end in Mike's basement.

Just I was about to rat him out for leaving the house I decided against it. I would instead cover for him, using this as black mail when I needed something.

I closed his door and walked back to the kitchen.

"He's asleep" I said bringing my finger to my puckered lips signaling to be quiet as not to disturb the sleeping nonexistent child.

"Oh ok. I'll just save him a plate for later" my mom said scrambling to put the remaining meatloaf and mashed potatoes into a microwaveable container.

My mother and I are in the living room using the food trays to watch tv and eat. Mews our cat was seated between us on the couch.

As my mom headed to bed I waited up for Dustin. I needed him to know I knew about his little sneaking out plan and that he owes me in the future.

An hour later I heard his backpack come crashing down in his room.

"Dustin where were you?" I ask as I pop out of the closet.

"Omg Tammy you shit" Dustin yelled

"Where were you? I didn't tell mom... yet" I said grabbing his attention.

"I was hanging out with Mike and Lucas" Dustin said looking more anxious than normal

"Well just remember you owe me a favor for not telling mom on your little ass" I said before closing his door and heading to bed.

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