Mews is missing

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It was the next morning and the day that plan would commence. Nancy and Jonathan were going to get answers for Barb. I headed to school.

I had honestly thought about skipping the whole day because both Jonathan and Nancy wouldn't be there but thought against it. At lunch time I decided to watch the PE class instead of eat alone.

Billy and Steve were going head to head in a basketball game.

"Let's go. Pass it up now. Get open" the teacher yelled.

"All right, all right, all right! King Steve, King Steve everyone" Billy yells before turning his attention back to Steve. Billy nonchalantly dribbles the ball while Steve looks like his ready to tackle him.

Billy mumbled something to Steve before pushing his onto the ground. Steve remained on the ground grabbing his shoulder as Billy makes the basket.

He then makes it seem like he goes to help him up but just pushes him back down. The teacher blows the whistle signaling the end of the class. I walked out of the gym and headed to fourth period.

The whole time during math I kept thinking about Jonathan and Nancy. My mind ran in a million places, hoping they were okay and hoping it was going according to plan.

After school I began to head home. Taking my time before I had to sit in the house all night listening to Dustin whine and complain.

"Mom I'm home" I called out as I walked through the door.

"Ok. I'm leaving Dustin, Bye, love you. Oh and Tammy I left food out for the car please make sure Mews eats if he returns before I come back" my mom said before grabbing her purse and rushing out the door.

"Dustin I'm home, I'm in my room. Don't disturb me!" I said closing my bedroom door behind me. I blasted my music and laid on my bed,kicking my feet to the music. I patiently waited for Nancy and Jonathan to call after school but they never did.

I slowly paced back and forth biting my nails as the time kept moving. I heard Dustin rummaging through the fridge probably looking for a snack.

An hour later I was getting kind of hungry and wanted to see what Dustin wanted for dinner.

"Dustin?" I said knocking on his bedroom door. He didn't answer so I went to the living room but he still wasn't there.

"Ugh that asshole left...without telling me" I yelled stomping off to the kitchen to get food After rummaging through the fridge and finding nothing appealing I call in a pizza and sit on the couch waiting for the delivery guy to come.

About a half an hour later I hear a car pull up to the house. I get off the couch and grab my money for the pizza. I open the door to see Steve and Dustin in the driveway.

"Steve, Dustin? What's going on?" I asked as I walked out of the house and down towards the cellar.

"Tammy?" Steve said surprised I lived here.  "She's your sister?"

"Uh yeah, you know Steve?" Dustin asked.

"Uh, Yeah" I said

"What's going on?" I asked. Dustin looked really nervous. I look over to Steve who has the nail bat in his hand and a flashlight in the other.

"I may have a monster in the cellar" Dustin said. "And it ate the cat"

"Dustin what the hell. Mom is going to kill the both of us"

"I don't hear shit" Steve said who clearly was ignoring our argument.

"He's in there"

Steve bangs on the metal doors twice. "All right kid, listen. I swear if this is some Halloween prank, you're dead"

"It's not"

"All right?" Steve said seriously

"Dustin I swear this better-" I said crossing my arms together.

"It's not a prank. Get it out of my face"

"You got a key for this thing?"

Dustin handed Steve the key and then slowly opened the doors to the cellar. The flashlight revealed an empty cellar.

"He must be further down there....I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape" Dustin said.

"I'll go, watch out" I said I was about to walk down the stairs when Steve put his hand out stopping me.

"I'll go first stay behind me" Steve said. We both crept down the steps. I walked over to the string hanging from the ceiling and turned the light on.

We both looked around and saw a slimy skin like substance on the floor.

"What the hell is that?" I asked Steve who had it wrapped around the bat.

"Steve?" Dustin called from above.

"Get down here" Steve said to Dustin.

"Oh shit" Dustin said looking at the skin hanging from the bat.

"OH SHIT!" He repeated in a louder voice when he saw the hole in the wall. The hole displayed some sort of a tunnel underground.

"No way, no way"

"Way Dustin. What the hell" I said pacing back and forth knowing our mother was going to kill him and me both.

"Well what do we do now?" I asked. Steve looked at Dustin who suggested we place bait in the woods. We stopped at the supermarket grabbing all types of raw meat before heading to the woods. Steve and I unloaded the car as Dustin's radio went off.

"Dustin, this is lucas, do you copy?"

"Well, well, well look who it is" Dustin said

"Sorry man, my stupid sister turned it off"

"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped and I'm pretty sure he's a baby demogorgon"

"Wait what?"

"I'll explain later. Meet me, Steve and Tammy at the old junkyard"

"Dustin c'mon we need your help" I said

"Steve? Tammy?" Lucas said.

"And bring your binoculars and wrist rockets"

"Steve Harrington?" Lucas said again

"All right lets go" Steve said closing the trunk of his car.

"C'mon Dustin you're already in trouble let's not add to it" I said.

"Just be there stat, over and out" Dustin said into the mic one more time before turning it off.

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