Fighting the Monster

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"They're gone" I yell, startling the kids.

"What?" Mike said running to the door and checking for himself.

"They're gone" Mike said. "Nancy and Jonathan. His car is gone"

"They are probably just sucking face somewhere" Dustin said trying to be funny.

"No no way" I said. Mike shook his head in agreeance with me.

"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin asked.

"I don't know" mike said.

"No" Eleven spoke out

"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked Eleven.

I began to panic and pace back and forth in the gym.


"Where. Where did they go?" Mike asked again.


"I'm going to find them. Stay here" I yelled running out of the school and towards the Byers' house. I walked into find them stepping up a death trap.

"Guys what are you doing?" I asked.

"No time. Help us put in the lights" Nancy said. After putting in the light bulbs we set up the snare trap and poured gasoline on the rug.

Jonathan nailed some nails into the bat for added protection. Now we just needed to attract it with blood.

"Ready" Nancy said holding the knife to her palm.

"On three, one two" Jonathan said before stopping.

"You guys don't have to do this" Jonathan said

"Stop talking" I said

"Three" Nancy called out. We all made a slice into your palms. We wrapped each other's palms to stop the bleeding when a faint creaking noise could be heard.

"Did you hear that" Nancy asked.

"It's just the wind" Jonathan said. "Don't worry. My mom, said the lights speak when it's comes"

"Speak" Nancy and I say simultaneously

"Blink. Think of them as alarms" Jonathan said. Nancy went back to wrapping his palm.

"Is that too tight?" Nancy asked.

"No it's fine. Thanks" Jonathan stutters. Jonathan and Nancy begin to gaze into each other's eyes.

"Nancy?" He softly whispered

"Yeah" Nancy responds. I'm about to leave them alone when there's a knock on the door. We all gasp.

"Jonathan? Are you there man... it's Steve. Listen I just want to talk" Steve yelled while banging on the door.

We all look at each other before getting up to answer the door.

"Steve, listen to me you need to leave" Nancy said barely opening the door.

"I'm not trying to start anything okay" Steve responded trying to get into the house.

"I don't care about that. You need to leave" Nancy warned Steve.

"No no no listen I messed up okay? I messed up... I messed up. Okay? Really please. I just want to make things right. Ok please" Steve said before he noticed Nancy's hand.

"What happened to your hand. Is that blood?" Steve questioned her. Nancy pulled her hand from his grip.

"Did he do this to you? Nancy let me in" Steve said barging through the door.

"No,no, no Steve" Nancy protested but it was no use.

"Woah what? What the..." was all Steve managed to mumble as he saw all the weapons we had laid out.

"You need to get out of here" Jonathan said pushing Steve towards the doorway.

"Whoa What is all—"

"Listen to me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, get out of here!" Jonathan demanded.

"What is that smell" Steve asked ignoring Jonathan.

"Steve get out" Nancy yelled raising a gun to Steve.

"Nancy put the gun down" I yelled hoping she wouldn't accidentally shot.

"WHAT! WHAT IS GOING ON?" Steve yelled.

"You have five seconds to get out of here" Nancy warned. All of the sudden the lights began to flicker.

"Nancy" Jonathan said trying to catch her attention. He repeatedly called her name each time getting louder until she turned around.

"It's here" Jonathan said. Steve obviously clueless to the situation kept saying what.

The roof started to crumble and growls were heard as the creature climbed through the ceiling. Nancy fired a few shots before we ran down to the hallway. I grabbed Steve's hand pulling him along with me.

"Jump" Jonathan yelled

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Steve repeatedly yelled running for his life.

We ran into the bedroom closing the door.

"JESUS! What the hell was that?" Steve asked.

"Shut up" Jonathan and Nancy yelled. I took a few steps back letting Nancy and Jonathan stand closer to the door. The monsters screeches grew louder.

The thumps growing in sound until it suddenly stopped.

"What's it doing?" Nancy asked. Jonathan shrugged his shoulder.

"Do you hear anything?" I asked. Slowly we exited the room to find the trap still in place. We then made our way back to the living room. No creature in sight.

"This is crazy. This is crazy" Steve mumbled. He grabbed the phone and began to dial what I presumed was 911. Nancy threw the phone smashing it to pieces.

"Are you crazy"

"It's going to comeback. So you need to leave. Right now!" she snapped.

Steve darted out of the house. The lights began to flicker furiously.

"Where is it?" I asked. Nancy, Jonathan and I all in a circle with our backs together.

"Come on. Come on you son of a bitch" Jonathan said.

The lights went out leaving us in darkness.

"Tammy" Nancy cried out trying to warn me about what was behind me. It, however, was too late. I was pinned to the ground the monster a few feet from my face.

"Go to hell you son of a bitch" Nancy screamed as she shot the monster. It's gripped released but its focus shifted to Nancy.

Nancy's gun was out of bullets as it approached her. Steve jumped out hitting it with a bat. He continued to swing, making jabs at it and successfully pushing it into the trap.

"Jonathan now" screamed Nancy. Jonathan threw the lighter at the monster. Flames erupted.

The flames were then distinguished. We all were having a coughing fit from the smoke. We inched closer to the trap. Steve having the bat still in hand.

"No where did it go?" Nancy asked.

"It has to be dead. It has to be dead" Jonathan said trying to reassure us our plan was successful. The Christmas lights one by one turned on.

"Mom?" Jonathan questioned as we followed the lights to the door.

"Where's it going?" Asked Nancy as we watched the outside street lamp flicker.

"I don't think that's the monster" Jonathan said. We stood there taking a moment to breath.

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