What was that?

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"Jonathan" we screamed as we barely escaped out of the trunk. The bark slowly closed the hole that was once there.

"Let's go home! Now!" I said. I was covered in slime and was scared to death after seeing that thing.

"What happened? Where were you guys?" Jonathan asked. Nancy and I remained silent walking swiftly back to town.

"We saw it" Nancy said. Once we reached the edge of the woods I ran back home. Took a shower and climbed into my mom's bed.

"Out late? Have fun?" My mom asked.

I remained quiet. Falling asleep.
The next morning I was awoken to knocking on the front door.

"We are looking for Dustin & Tammy Henderson" was all I heard before I climbed out the window and ran to Nancy's house. As I coming up the hill I saw men in suits at her house as well.

I turned on my heel and walked the other way when a car stopped next to me.

"Get in. Now!" Hopper yelled. I hoped in the backseat. Hopper booked it out of the neighborhood.

We pulled up the Byers' house. Nancy and I walked in to see a million Christmas lights hung.

"Woah" we both said before following the rest of the group to the bedroom. Joyce grabbed a hand walkie talkie from under the bed.

"Dustin do you copy?" I yelled into the walkie talkie. After many nights of Dustin explaining how it worked I was confident I could communicate with them.

"Dustin?" I said again into the device.

"Dustin this is an emergency" I said again. Static was heard in between my shouts for Dustin.

Hopper took the device from my hands.

"Listen kid this is the chief. If you there pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there do you copy?" Hopper sternly said into the device.

"Anybody got any ideas?" Hopper asked before Mike answered the destress call.

Mike told us where we was and Hopper went to go get them. An hour later they pulled up.

"Dustin" I said grabbing the goof into a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay" I said. He looked up at me with a gummy smile.

"How are you involved in this?" Dustin asked making us all laugh. We quickly gathered in the house to discuss what's going on.

"Ok so in this example, we are the acrobats. Will and Barbara, and that monster they're this flea" mike said pointing the drawing on the white lined paper.

"And this is the upside down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space" mike continued

"A gate" Dustin began

"That we tracked to Hawkins lab" Lucas continued

"With our compasses" Dustin said. Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy and I looked blankly at the group of kids.

"Okay so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle" Dustin explained.

"Is this gate underground?" Hopper asked.

"Yes" the new girl responded. Her name according to the group of children was Eleven.

"Near a large water tank?" Hopper asked again


"How,how did you know all that?" Asked Dustin

"He's seen it" Mike whispered

"Is there anyway that you could... that you could reach Will, that you could talk to him in the-" Joyce asked, her voice all shaky.

"The upside down" Eleven said before shaking her head yes.

"And my friend Barbara. Can you find her too?" Nancy asked. Eleven looked at her blankly before agreeing to find her.

Nancy banded Eleven a photo of Barbara. We turned the radio on to play static. The lights flicker and Eleven opens her eyes. Tears start to form.

"I'm sorry I can't find them" she whispered. Eleven excused herself and headed to the bathroom. We all gathered around the dining room table.

"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak" mike said coming to the defense of Eleven.

"The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets" Dustin chimes in.

"Like, she flipped the van earlier" Lucas said

"It was awesome" Dustin said. I hit him softly hinting for him to shut up.

"But she's drained" Mike said bringing us back on topic.

"Like a bad battery"

"How do we make her feel better?" Joyce asked

"We don't. We just have to wait and try again" mike said.

"Well, how long?" Nancy asked

"I don't know" mike said looking down at the table.

"The bath" Eleven said making everyone switch their attention.

"What?" Joyce asked.

"I can find them... in the bath" Eleven said.

"We need to make a sensory deprivation tank" I said. Everyone looked at me.

"I maybe paid attention once in class" I said

"How do we do that?" Asked hopper.

"We need a water, salt and an object to hold the water" I said

"How much salt?" Hopper asked.

"I believe it was 1,500 pounds of salt" I said. Hopper looked at the group.

"Do you still have that baby pool we used to bob apples?" Dustin asked and Joyce shook her head.

We grabbed the pool and headed to the middle school. We divided up all the duties getting the pool ready for Eleven. Once the egg floated Eleven placed the googles on her head and laid in the pool.

The lights started to flicker.

"Barb? Barbara" Eleven said. She began to breath heavily and the lights flickered again.

"Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone" Eleven yelled. Nancy grabbed her mouth, holding back the tears.

"Castle Byers'" Eleven said again. Joyce stopped comforting Eleven.


Joyce gasped. She told Eleven to tell Will she was coming for him. Eleven jumped out to the pool in tears.

"Hurry" he said on the walkie talkie.

"I got you hunny" Joyce said comforting Eleven. Hopper and Joyce left us at Hawkins Middle school. Nancy went to sit outside of the gym.

Ten minutes later after not being able to withstand the chatter of the middle schoolers I go to check on Nancy but I find that both her and Jonathan left.

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