Who Do You Work For?

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I had woken up in a strange room with a throbbing headache and a man towering over me. He was dressed in a military uniform but it wasn't one I recognized, probably not from our country. Instead it was mainly green with red and black markings.

"Who are you working for?" The man asked me.

"What? I work at the gap" I said not understanding his question. My answer must not have been satisfying for the man as his palm made contact with my cheek.

"How did you know about the Russians?" He asked.

"My brother said he heard you guys talk through the radio. I thought he was lying" I said.

"Where's the radio?"

"I don't know" I said but I was again striked in the face. Blood started to trickle down my chin from a fresh split lip.

"You're gonna pay for that you son of a bitch" I yelled. The man grabbed my arms which were pinned together by the rope tied around them.

"take her to the room with the others" he said. Two men who had been guarding the door stepped forward grabbing my arms and dragging my feet on the floor. I was dragged down a long corridor to a room similar to the one I was just in. As we approached the doorway I was tossed inside before the men walked back out and locked the doors behind them.

"Let me out" I yelled.

"Tammy?" A voice said. I tried twisting my body to face the opposite direction

"Robin. Steve? What happened to him? Why are you guys here?" I asked. I had a million questions running through my mind but I was mostly concerned about the state Steve was in. He was passed out and covered in blood.

"He's not dead right? Oh my god what did they do to him?" I began to panic. Steve and I hadn't left each other on a good note and now here we were in a Russian containment room with Steve bloody and passed out.

"Steve? Steve, wake up, Tammy is here" Robin repeatedly said hoping he would wake up soon. Robin stopped after a few minutes, instead she filled me in on what happened, and how they got here.

"So you guys went to the shipment storage and it turned into an elevator. Dustin and Erica escaped and you guys were captured?" I asked.

"Pretty much. We need to get out of here though" Robin said. We exchanged a look and began to scream for help.

"Help" Robin and I yelled taking turns.

"Hey, would you stop yelling?" Steve said slowly gaining consciousness. I crawled over to him as best as I could placing my head in his lap.

"Steve I'm sorry about what I said last night. I'll never doubt you again" I said shedding a tear, a tear of happiness and regret all mixed in one.

"Tam what are you doing here? Don't worry about last night, I'm not mad. Plus you have ever right to doubt me" Steve said still trying to open his eyes.

"The Russians came and got me at my house. They asked for Dustin and I stupidly spilled the beans about them. Next thing I know I'm here getting interrogated"

Steve slowly opened his eyes, although it was technically one eye as the other was severely swollen. He must have seen my lip and the blood.

"They hit you?" Steve asked his mood changing from groggy to angry.

"Steve stay calm. They hurt you bad, moving while just make it worse" I said trying to calm him down. "I looked all over town for you and Dustin after I saw Scoops Ahoy closed. Your mom might think you skipped out on work" I said trying to mumble the last part.

"Who cares what my mother thinks. I might not see her again if we don't get out of here"

"Steve, I'm truly sorry about how I acted last night. I was way jealous and that was wrong of me. I love you too-" I said but stopped mid sentence when I realized I let that three little words slip out of my mouth. While Steve and I have been officially dating for a few months now, neither one has exchanged those three words. Me personally, I haven't said it because I'm afraid he'll leave and those words will mean nothing. I amused he didn't say in fear of not being loved back, especially after what happened with Nancy.

"I love you too" Steve said looking down at me. He flashed a smile revealing blood all over his teeth.

"Save the smile until you clean out your mouth" I said making Robin, Steve and I laugh.

"Wow dingus, I never thought a girl would love you" Robin said acting like her true self. "Okay but in seriousness as much as I love seeing you two in love, you won't be in love much longer if we don't get out of here"

"Wait I hear something" I said. I heard footsteps in the distance growing in volume every few seconds.

A buzzing noise is heard followed by the opening of a door.

The man from earlier walks in and chuckles.

"Ahh so you all know it each other" he said. We all remained silent afraid that we talked we would get smacked. I was dragged away and placed on a chair facing Steve.

The man in the uniform bends done to Steve's level "try telling the truth this time, yes? It will make your visit with Dr.Zharkov less painful" he said as he strokes Steve's hair and grips his bruised face.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the doctor prepping some large syringe. He then walks over to Steve and Robin.

"Wait a second, wait hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?" Steve asked all panicked.

"It will help you talk" the doctor said creepily towering over Steve.

Steve screams as the syringe is plunged into his neck. I wince and close my eyes. Robin is next to receive the syringe, I then being to squirm in my chair as the syringe is brought to my neck. I screamed until the light faded and darkness took over.

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