The Junkyard

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We began to walk on the train tracks throwing meat every so often.

"So I didn't know you had a sister, especially an older one" Steve said softly to Dustin, probably hoping I wouldn't hear.

"Dude do you like her or something?" Dustin said slightly louder than Steve wanted because Steve then proceeded to shhh him. Steve looked back and I pretended to not hear anything, finding their conversation too interesting to have it end now.

"Yes I like her now let's change the subject" Steve said softly then raising his voice. "All right so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl ...who you just met?" Steve asked

"What girl?" I asked pretending like I didn't just hear the last half an hour of their conversation.

"All right, that's grossly oversimplifying things" Dustin said ignoring my question

"I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?"

"An inter-dimensional slug? Because it's awesome"

"Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't... I -I just.... I don't know I think you're trying way to hard" Steve said he then turned around and walked side to side with Dustin quietly talking to him. Looking back every minute or so.

I slowly crept up trying to rehear their conversation once more.

"It's faberge organics use both the shampoo and conditioner and when it's damp, not wet, damp use four pumps of the Farrah Fawcett spray" Steve said

I walked past them throwing meat on the ground.

"You guys are slow" I said picking up the pace.

"Oh and I have some Farrah Fawcett spray in the bathroom if either of you need to borrow it" I said with a wink leaving Steve speechless and Dustin laughing.

We reached the old junkyard a few minutes later.

"Oh yeah this will do" Steve said pulling down his shades to the tip of his nose. He then placed them back on the bridge of his nose and continued throwing more meat on the ground. We stopped in the center dumping the remaining meat into one big pile.

"I said medium well" Lucas yelled from the top of the hill. He was standing next to a girl I haven't seen before.

"Whose that?" Steve asked. Dustin stared blankly at the girl never blinking.

"It's the girl" I said nudging Steve.

"Okay let's gather metal to cover the windows" Steve said. Max and I gathered some of the supplies together while Lucas and Dustin went off to talk.

"C'mon why is the new girl and your sister the only ones helping me. We lose daylight in 40 minutes" Steve said banging the metal together.

We all gathered on the bus when we finished shielding it.

"So we just wait?" I asked and Dustin shook his head yes. Steve and I sat next to each other on the bus. Steve kept flipping the lighter on and off until Max asked a question.

"So did you really fought one of these things before? And you're one hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?" Max said obviously not believing the story Lucas had told her earlier.

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear" Dustin said snapping at Max.

"Dustin. Quit being rude." I said.

"Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home"

"Dustin. I swear to god. Shut up you asshole"

"Geesh someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max asked as she climbed up the ladder to hang out with Lucas. I let out a laugh because nobody, especially not a girl has put Dustin in his place.

"That's good just show her you don't care?" Steve said

"Oh so when you show a girl you don't care she should be impressed by that?" I asked.

"No, I-"

"Wait you just told me on the tracks-" Dustin started

Steve sighed placing his head in his lap.

"You know this might be the wrong time for this but just in-case we die out here I wanted to say-" I said to Steve but I was cut off my a loud growl.

"I got eyes 10'oclock" Lucas yelled. We rushed towards the window to see what Lucas was talking about.

"He's not taking the bait. Why isn't he taking the bait?" Steve whispered.

"Maybe he's not hungry"

"Maybe he's sick of cow" Steve said standing up and grabbing the bat.

"Steve, Steve what are you doing?" Dustin asked. I pulled Steve by his sleeve.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He quickly kissed me and then handed me the lighter.

"Just be ready" he said walking off the bus. I watched through the window as Steve slowly crept through the fog. Slowly taking steps towards the demogorgon.

"What's he doing?" Max asked.

"Expanding the menu" Dustin said.

"He's insane" max commented.

"He's awesome" Dustin said.

"He's going to get himself killed" I said cringing at the scene in front of me. More demogorgons gathered and soon Steve was outnumbered.

"Ahh shit" I yelled running to the door of the bus and opening it.

"STEVE CMON ON" I yelled waving Steve towards the bus. He nearly escaped a demogorgon leaping into the bus.

"Is it rabid or something?" Max asked. Steve and I leaned against the door trying to hold it down. Claws started to pierce and shake the bus as multiple demons started attacking the bus.

Steve tried killing the ones at the entrance of the bus with the bat. I tried to keep the children safe huddling them into one of the seats.

Dustin tried contacting help for us. "Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God! Anyone! We are at the old junkyard and we are going to die" Dustin yelled into the mic.

The top of the bus begins to shake with each foot step until the monster reveals itself to Max at the opening.

Max screams at the top of her lungs. I grab Max back letting Steve handle the creature.

"Out of the way. Out of the way. You want some? Come get this!" Steve yelled bat in hand ready to swing. It's attention turned to the side, jumping off the bus and running into the distance.

We exited the bus and heard the growls in the distance.

"What happened?" Lucas asked.

"Did you scare them off?" Dustin asked.

"No they're going somewhere" Steve said.

We started our walk back to the car.

"So that kiss" Steve said


"I like you, I like you a lot Tammy" Steve said grabbing my hand.

"I like you too" I said kissing him on the cheek. We caught up to the kids in front of his to hear Dustin mumbling something about a yellow pattern and molted.

"Dart ate a cat" Lucas said.

"No what no" Dustin said.

"What are talking about? He ate mews" Steve said.

"Mews. Who's mews" Max asked.

"It's Dustin and Tammy's cat" Steve said. The kids began to argue with each other. Steve nudged me and we walked closer hearing the growls of the demogorgons.

"Guys" Steve yelled. We looked out past the cliff to see the lab pitch black with noises echoing from it.

"Well what are we waiting for. Let's go" I said pushing further into the woods and walking closer to the lab.

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