Three Months Later

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We had all gathered at the Byers' house, assisting with loading boxes and moving their belongs into the truck.

"Remember when we saw the Demogorgon for the first time here" I whispered to Steve.

"Yeah the start of it all"

"Did you and Robin get the job?" I asked as we both carried out boxes.

"Yeah I nailed it. I had to help Robin get the job though" he said. I laughed having already talked to Robin who told me the opposite.

As we walked through the living room we heard Lucas and Max singing Dustin's song.

"Turn around, look at what you seeeeee"

"Hey knock it off" I said looking at the two. They stopped singing.

"Thanks Tam-" Dustin began but Steve and I cut him off singing the song ourselves.

"Turn around look at what you seeeeee" Steve and I sang before walking outside to place the boxes on the UHaul.

"Assholes. That's what you guys are" Dustin yelled at us. Steve and I laughed. We walked back in to hear Dustin arguing with Lucas and Max across the room.

"No. It's reserved for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears only" Dustin said.

"Oh really, then why do Tammy and I here you singing it all the time in your room" Steve teased.

"Ugh I'm starting to hate you Steve Harrington" Dustin whined. We all laughed finding this so amusing even after three months of listening to him.

We checked the house noting there was nothing more to pack. We all filed out of the house exchanging goodbyes before watching them drive off.

"You guys want to go get milkshakes with us?" I asked the kids as Steve and I hoped in his car.

The kids looking somber road off with their bikes, wiping tears from their eyes.

"I guess not" I said.

"They'll come around" Steve said moving a piece a hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. I smiled patting his thigh signaling for him to drive off.

"So what movie did you pick out for tonight" I asked Steve. Now that he didn't work at Scoops we had weekly movie nights were Steve surprised me with a movie.

"I brought home Back to the future" Steve said gleaming

"Again?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"What it's a classic" Steve said. I rolled my eyes leaning my head against the window watching as the sky rolled by.

I walked into school a senior, Nancy by my side but we both weren't rejoiced. Instead we were slightly sad, a third member of our party no longer joining us on our adventure.

Nancy and I walked in wishing Jonathan was here. We walked in holding our heads high. People rushing towards us asking how our summer was, how we escaped the burning mall and where Jonathan was?

We smiled remaining quiet, only exchanging a few Hi's and How are you's to our peers.

"It's going to be a long school year" Nancy said before walking into the classroom on her left. I shrugged walking a little further down the hall to my home room.

"Welcome to your senior year" the teacher sang, everyone cheered.

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