Chapter 178: Post-mortem Deception

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Meanwhile, Demitris dragged Aster and Fleur up the stairs, his sights set on one particular room. "I hope that we have enough manpower to bring whatever force is in there down.", he muttered to himself. "You know, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.", Aster said, a little nervous. "I'm sure we'll be fine.", Demitris replied. "We won't be taking this on alone, and we have backup if things get serious.", he said, turning to the pair.

At last, the trio made it to the top of the stairs, the menacing aura of the empty halls with low light only enhanced the anxiety of each of them. They slowly stepped towards the room, their eyes devoured the space around them. "This can't be the place. There's nothing, right Demitris?", questioned Aster. "That's exactly what I thought when I went up here myself, but I was poorly mistaken. Have a good listen, there's clearly something extremely fishy going on.".

The room slowly creaked, almost as if a ghost was there. Demitris simply felt around the hall in the darkness, using his hands for guidance, eventually touching what felt like a doorknob. "Demitris, don't you dare go in there alone.", whispered Aster. "Shh!", went Demitris. "Not a sound.", he whispered back. Fleur didn't speak at all, wanting to take things as seriously as possible. The males annoyed her, but her main concern was her cause, obviously linked to whatever lurks in that room. After the small dispute, they all anxiously listened out for any sounds.

It seemed that the place was rather silent, though there was a groan. Fleur thought about sneaking in there, but Demitris told her against it. "Hold on, let's see what's in there first.", he explained, but before they had time to think. A cold hand peered through the door. "Whoever's there better know what they're getting into...", Aster remarked. "Hey! You gonna show yourself or are you just too good for us?", he asked the figure behind the door, only to be met with another groan.

Slowly, the man emerged, his movements stiff, but his features clear. Without a second glance, the trio knew who he was, it was Lin." Demitris Lowpeak, it's a pleasure.", he said in a distorted, yet recognisable voice. "Aster, Fleur, I think we should get Rou!", Demitris stated frantically. Lin sauntered toward the one eyed man, steps loud and jarring, almost wooden. With a fell swoop, he unleashed a wave of flames, causing Demitris to rush back to his friends.

Aster turned away in second hand embarrassment, "Whatever happened while I was gone, please elaborate, this is a lot to take in...", he uttered. Demitris took a deep breath and told them everything, "As to be expected, a series of unfortunate events. Rou and Lin battled it out in the middle of the hallway, Fleur caught the end of it, but I was sure both of us were going to die without backup".

"Demitris, let me end you!", he exclaimed, pulling him closer. Demitris was hesitant, "I told you, I can't. But I could-". Fleur stopped his words in thier tracks, "Please don't tell me you plan on giving into that bastard, you're worth far moar than this, Demitris!", scowled the pink elf. Demitris dropped the gear in his mouth, his eyes turning a bright red, "This is bullshit!", he shouted. While Fleur and Demitris argued over her fate, Aster couldn't help but stare at her, "Guys, are you sure this is Lin, his features seem rather, off...", he pointed out.

Demitris shrugged, "I don't know, he seemed out to kill me when I last met him. Are you sure now isn't the best time to get Rou?". However, Aster's mind still sensed something far more sinister, "Demitris, walk up to him again.", he ordered. Fleur was very puzzled, "Aster, what are you playing at? That cretin could attack him!". Aster pointed to the wall and leant into the shadows, "This reminds me of something I saw, in that world...", he warned extremely fearful. To ease his stress, Demitris walked up to her, "Demitris, take me with you!", she enthused, it was the same phrase as before.

Aster held onto Fleur tightly, "Aster, are you okay?", she pondered. "It's what I feared...", he muttered. In his paranoia, he drew his sword, "Answer to me, bitch!", he shouted. There was no retaliation, no need. Demitris watched in complete awe and disbelief, he didn't want to even think of what was going to happen. However, Aster did not hesitate to test his metal against Lin's. In one slash, he cut her head clean in half. "Why did you do that?! You couldn't been burnt!", Demitris growled. "Death was the only way to save him.", replied Aster sternly.

"Charming, really charming...", a voice reflected. The trio didn't know who it was, "Charming?! Do you know what I just did?!", Aster called out to anyone that could be in the vicinity. "You really think they'll hear you?", the same voice questioned. The group looked around, until they realised something, the sound was coming from Lin's corpse. "Very well played!", he said, patronising them. "Wait why are you-", Aster couldn't fathom how he could speak. With no difficulty at all, Lin got up, reattaching the two halves of his head. "What? You're not surprised?", he taunted. Lin had grown into something inhuman, not even a ghost, but something that made him beyond death.

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