Part 3

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A man clothed in black spy-like clothes walked forward in a restaurant somewhere on the coast of Costa Rica. The man walked forward, a suitcase in his hand, he walked and seemed somewhat frustrated.

"Yo Dodgson" A fat man called over to the spy clothed man, the fat guy wore a buttoned shirt that had lemonades on it and shorts, he looked just lime a tourist.

"Don't say my name" Dodgson said as he sat down at the table with the other man.

"Dodgson, we got Dodgson here!" The fat guy said, and as no response came from the crowd around them "See nobody cares. Nice hat, what are you trying to look like, a secret agent"

"750. On delivery you will get Fifty thousand per viable embryo" Dodgson said " Oh, and Dennis this here will let you store the embryos, it's a Bar basil can of shaving cream with three days of coolant, and if you fill it up with every species that is six hundred thousand dollars and more if you fill the can"

"Oh, I'll get em all" Dennis said as he grinned.

"Remember viable Embryos only, they're no use to us if they don't survive" Dodgson said "The can screws open at the bottom, The embryos have to be back here before the coolant fails or they won't survive, Now how are you planning on beating security?"

"I've got a twenty minute window, Twenty or so minutes and your company catches up on fifteen years of research, and the embryos will only make it by then if your Batman can make it" Dodgson said.

"Gracias Señor" The waiter said as he put the check on the table.

"Don't get cheap on me Dodgson" Dennis said "That was Hammond's mistake"

Dodgson sighed as he looked at the check.

Mongolian Dig Site

"So you want us to go to your theme park 120 miles of the coast of Costa Rica to see your theme park that you're building" Alan Grant asked as Hammond walked around the trailer holding the bottle of wine.

"That is correct, I am needing outside opinions or my investors will shut down my park" Hammond said with a sigh.

"What kind of opinions" Ellie asked, the confusion clearly showing.

"What kind of park is this" Alan asked with an extremely confused look.

"Well, your kind, not to put too fine a point on it" Hammond said "Well let's face it in your field you are the brightest minds ... If I could just persuade you to sign off on the park, maybe endorse it or even give it a testimony, I could get back on schedule"

"Well, why would they want our opinions" Ellie asked.

"Let's just say it is right up your alley, you'd be properly taken care of for the weekend"Hammond said "And the island is lovely Alan, you've got to come"

"Well I mean, you came at a bad time we just dug up a new fossil" Alan said as he pointed out the fossil through the window.

"I could compensate by fully funding your dig" Hammond said.

"And this is a very unusual time ..." Alan said.

"The timing is..." Ellie agreed.

Hammond frowned before speaking "For another three years, plus I could also use a Paleobotanist" 

"Where's the plane" Alan and Ellie said in unison as they hugged each other with giddy excitement.

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