Part 19

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Alan and the kids got to the visitors center and walked through the big double doors.

"I'm hungry" Lex said.

"I'm starving" Tim said.

"Okay, go to the cafeteria, and I will go try to find some help" Alan said as the two groups went in opposite directions.

The kids ran into the cafeteria and began scarfing down Jello, chips, and other foods that didn't require cooking. Soon the two were practically the next pair of Thanksgiving turkeys for their family, and they then heard a chirping sound in the window and looked to see an Archeopteryx right there chirping and flapping it's wings.

Tim went up to the Archeopteryx and sprinkled some sunflower seeds in front of it, but the "First Bird" didn't eat them, instead it ate a fly that flew by. The Archeopteryx then turned around and glided away as a Cryolophosaurus jumped through the window and while it was busy tending it's wounds, the two kids rushed to a hiding spot, they hid in the kitchen but slammed the door revealing their location.

The Cryolophosaurus silently walked towards the kids and looked through the glass in the door, and breathed on it as it stared inside to try and find the kids, before it finally crashed through the door and the kids ran through a door and then through another that was labeled Hatchery.

Inside they saw an egg that was labeled Tyrannosaurus, 1 week/12 weeks. There were also eggs on the other side labeled Dilophosaurus and suddenly they saw a hatchling Dilophosaurus pounce out at the Cryolophosaurus. As the larger carnivore was stunned the baby Dilophosaurus spat the venom at the Cryolophosaurus who roared in pain and rammed into a wall as the kids stared in horror at the young dinosaur that now consumed the Cryolophosaurus.

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