Part 18

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Robert and Ellie were driving down the road in the Jeep that Harding was using as they drove through jungle, the Jeep bounced up and down, until they stopped about three feet from the Power router.

"Ellie, you are going to run from here, okay?" Robert said as he looked around.

"Why? What's wrong?" Ellie asked as she frantically looked around for the problem.

"We're being hunted, there's a small group of Cryolophosaurus" Robert said as he brought out his rifle. "On my now ... Now!"

Robert watched as Ellie began running before going into the jungle on the left of him, his rifle at the ready as one of the Cryolophosaurus stared at Ellie, A snake slithered past it's eye and it snarled.

Robert prepared to fire at the Cryolophosaurus, but suddenly a larger one came from the side, snarling.

"Clever Girl" Robert Muldoon said with his final breath.

As Ellie ran she was only away with a singular gate between her and the power router, she heard the yell of Robert Muldoon as he was clearly eaten alive, and coming from the bushes was a Cryolophosaurus that snarled at Ellie and slowly made it's way towards her. It charged at Ellie, bit before it made it to Ellie, Ellie closed the gate and the Cryolophosaurus rammed into the gate before backing away.

Ellie walked into the Power router building and turned on the two way radio she was carrying.

"I'm in, Robert Muldoon might be a lost soul now." Ellie said as she waited for Hammond to answer.

"If you walk forward you should find a pair of stairs, you go down to to either side and go down again." Hammond said.

"Okay, now what?" Ellie asked as she looked around for any clues on where to go.

"You will need to go straight for about one minute" Hammond said.

"While I'm going to the generator, is Ian doing better?" Ellie asked as she came up to the generator.

"Yes, he has a shit of morphine and is acting as if drunk" Hammond said in a mysterious tone as suddenly the radio went silent.

"Miss me?" Ian said through the walkie.

"I could do without you, but I'm A caring person" Ellie said "Now what's next?"

"You have to pump the power until it's charged and then turn the individual systems on one by one. Can you do it?" Hammond said as Ellie began to charge the generator, one pump ... Two pumps ... Three pumps ... The generator began to hum to life and the icons representing the different systems were all lit up with red light.

Ellie began opening the individual cases and pushing green buttons and at the first one, the power came back on and the lights were restored. Ellie then finished switching all the systems online and picked up the radio.

"Hammond I think we're back in business!" Ellie said excitedly as suddenly the gates outside began zapping something on the gate and a Cryolophosaurus roared in pain as sparks flew everywhere. Then the Cryolophosaurus fell to the ground as a lifeless body and the others dragged Robert Muldoon's body away before running into the jungle. Ellie got into the Jeep and drove away back towards the park.

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