Part 5

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As the group entered a large dome shaped building, they saw two massive statues of a Tyrannosaurus and an Apatasaurus, in the back they saw more statues like Othnielia, Maiasaura, and even Velociraptor. Above the bigger statues was a flag sign that read in red block lettering: When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth.

"Now for that explanation I promised" Hammond said "Time for a small tour"

Hammond then walked toward a double door and opened it revealing ride seats like those on a roller coaster.

"I'm running the early stage of the most advanced amusement park in the world, we still have all the problems of a normal park, not to mention the extreme costs, but I decided to fuse amusement park and zoo so I habe over a million dollars to pay a day to keep our assets alive. Why don't you all sit down" Hammond said as he says down in one of the chairs.

"What do you think" Ellie asked Alan.

"I think we're out of a job" Alan replied.

"I think you mean "Extinct"" Ian said with a smile on his face.

A cinema screen lit up in front of them all and revealed a John Hammond walking towards the group.

"G'day" The screen Hammond said "Um, how'd I get here"

"I had lines prepared" John said as he looked in his pockets for his notes "Ah, um if you show me your hand I can show you how you got here Hammond"

Screen Hammond extended his hand and watched curiously as John Hammond "pricked" his finger.

"Ouch, John that hurt" Screen Hammond said as he brought his arm back to himself.

"Relax, John. It's all part of the miracle of cloning" John Hammond said as multiple more Screen Hammonds appeared and waved hello.

"Cloned from what, where are they going to get all that blood" Alan asked in a confused tone "Log extraction hasn't recreated an entire DNA strand"

"Not without sequence gaps" Ian said.

"Paleo-DNA, but from what source, where do you get that much dinosaur blood? " Ellie asked as suddenly the on screen John Hammonds turned into blue white and red dots, before coming into a shape somewhat resembling a man.

"Just one drop of blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life. A DNA strand, like me, is a blueprint for building a living thing. And sometimes animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for us to find. We just had to know where to look. A hundred million years ago, there were mosquitoes just like today -- And just like today, they fed on the blood of animals. Even dinosaurs. Sometimes after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on the branch of a tree and get stuck in the sap. After a long time, the tree sap would get hard, and become fossilized just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside. This fossilized tree sap, which we call "amber," waited for millions of years with the mosquito inside! Until Jurassic Park scientists came along, using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and, bingo: Dino DNA! A full DNA strand contains three billion genetic codes." Mr. DNA said barely taking any breaks  "If we looked at screens like these, once a second for eight hours a day, it'd take two years to look at the entire DNA strand. It's that long. Since it's so old--" Mr. DNA pauses as he is dragged off the screen of the massive tv by a flash of letters "-- it's full of holes. Now, that's where our geneticists take over. Thinking machine supercomputers and gene sequencers break down the strand in minutes, and virtual reality displays show our geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence. We used the complete DNA of a frog to fill in the... gaps... and complete the... code! Phew! And now we can make a baby dinosaur."

Suddenly the safety bars of the seats went down and restrained everyone who was seated. The ride then began to turn, and revealed a lab with scientists working on dinosaur eggs.

"Are these animatronics, going on a pattern like certain time periods" Ian asked.

"Oh Ian, there are no animatronics here, we spared no expense" Hammond said as Alan and Ellie started to try to get up.

"Is there any way to stop this" Alan asked.

"I'm afraid that it's kind of a ride" Hammond said as they got up after Ian helped them lift up the safety bar.

They all then walked to the lab and entered it to see a young man by the age of eighteen, scribbling down notes on a clipboard, the man wore a fine lane coat, purple shirt, gray jeans, white sneakers, and strangely even purple pupils, he was Asian-American.

"B'day Henry" Hammond said as he followed the others into the lab, "Group, this is Dr. Henry Wu, the chief bioengineer here at Jurassic Park"

"I have a uh, question" Ian said as he raised his hand in a sense of sarcasm.

"Go ahead" WU said in an irritated tone.

"How many dinosaurs do you have?" Ian asked.

"We have one hundred, why, there is no unauthorized breeding on Jurassic Park" Dr. Wu asked as he continued to scribble on the clipboard.

"Um, how do you know this" Ian asked.

" Because all of the dinosaurs on this island are female, we engineered them that way " Dr. Wu said.

"Is that checked? Does someone go out and lift up the dino's skirt, and how does one check a dinosaur's gender"Ian asked.

"We control their chromosomes. It's really not that difficult. All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. They just require an extra hormone given at the right developmental stage to make them male. We simply deny them that." Dr. Wu said in a proud tone as he handed Hammond the clipboard and Hammond frowned once he looked at it, then handed it back "From a bioengineering standpoint females are easier to breed, we just deny them the extra chromosome"

"John, the kind of control you're attempting here is, uh, it's not possible. If there's one thing that the history of evolution has taught us, it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free. Expands to new places and crashes through barriers. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But... uh well, there it is." Ian said with a frown.

"There it is" Hammond mocked.

"You're implying that a group entirely comprised of females will ... Breed?" Wu said as he put the pencil on the clipboard.

"no I'm just saying, that life uh, ... Life finds a way" Ian said.

"What species is this" Alan asked as he pointed to a cluster of eggs on a table.

"Um, those are of a species we've only recently been able to clone, Dilophosaurus forming our twelfth species" Dr. Wu said "I am glad you pointed that out, they're nearly ready to hatch" Dr. Wu and the others watched as the first egg began to hatch.

"Great, I wanted these to hatch before I had to get on the boat" Dr. Wu said as he began to leave.

" You should've told me Henry, I insist on being here for the birth of every little creature" Hammond said.

The egg began to crack as thin lines broke through the shell and a little toothed head poked out, A small frill like appendage spreading from it's neck.

"What is that around it's neck" Alan asked.

"Um, the juvenile Dilophosaurus has a venom to help it hunt, it loses the venom near the adult stage, and the frill becomes more like a small flap of loose skin" Dr. Wu said before exiting the room.

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