Part 14

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Ellie and Robert drove down the road as they continued their search for the missing guests.

"Alan?" Ellie shouted.

"Kids?" Robert shouted as he stepped on the breaks and looked for the other Jeep, bit saw nothing.

"They were here, when the cameras went out, but we do still have our motion sensors which is how we know the dinosaurs aren't here anymore" Robert said as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Where did they go?" Ellie asked as she watched Robert walk to the Bathroom "Please do it somewhere private"

Robert turned around to face Ellie then continued walking towards the bathroom, he bent Dow and began to speak.

"Wakey wakey Rock Star" Robert said as he picked up some of the straw and bamboo walking to reveal an extremely injured Ian Malcolm, blood was all over him.

"We have to take him" Ellie said.

"Actually, that will attract the Tyrannosaurus to us, we have to be discreet when it comes to smell" Robert said "Rock Star, where did they go?"

"Take me" Ian said as he groaned in pain " Please chance it"

Robert then closed his eyes before getting back up and loading Ian into the back of the car as Ellie walked off.

"Robert, over here!" Ellie shouted to Robert who came running.

"Huh, they got out" Robert said as he stared down the cliff at the Jeep.

Ian grabbed a soaking cloth and carefully wrung out some of the water before wiping his face with it and rinsing it off and repeating, when suddenly he noticed that a nearby puddle was shaking with violent vibrations.

"Hurry come back!" Ian shouted as he sat up and noticed the two running towards the Jeep.

"Start the Jeep" Ellie said as Robert furiously tried to turn the keys, but they were stuck until suddenly the Tyrannosaurus Rex burst through the trees and Roared before stomping toward the group who were now driving away.

The Tyrannosaurus roared as it chased them down the road.

"How fast can this thing go?" Ian asked.

"We are about to find out for sure" Robert said as he drove underneath a fallen tree that ripped of the roof of the Jeep. The Tyrannosaurus roared and continued to chase the group who now turned and drove faster as the speed gauge reached 40MPH.

"Ian, toss something at it" Ellie shouted as she looked for something to communicate to the Control Room with.

Ellie then brought out a two way radio and pushed the button and shouting.

"We're being chased by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, we are headed back now, we have Ian and the kids and Alan are still missing" Ellie shouted into the Radio before Ian tossed it at the Tyrannosaurus who crushed it and began to bleed from the chips and pieces.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex then stopped the chase and tended to it's injured foot and roared in pain as it began to attempt to get the chips and pieces out of it's foot.

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