Part 9

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"We need more firepower Hammond" Robert Muldoon said as he walked into the Control Room for Jurassic Park, he wore camouflage clothing with a camouflage version of Jurassic Park's Icon.

"Robert, please don't get into this again, I am not running a war zone, I am running a family-friendly amusement park for the world to enjoy" Hammond said as he walked up to a screen where he saw an African-American man wearing a grey pair of Jeans and buttoned up Shirt. He sat at the desk and on his shirt was a sticker that had the writing: John Raymond Arnold.

"You're not thinking straight" Robert said "If the dinosaurs escape, then what will you do when sedatives aren't enough?"

"I agree with him john, and we have the problems of both a major zoo and a major amusement Park, we need more weaponry and better coding staff" Raymond said as he glared at Dennis then looked back at Hammond.

"Hammond when you come back bring me another drink" Dennis said as Hammond began to walk away.

"Dennis, our lives are in your hands" Hammond said as he stared at Dennis "And you've got butterfingers?"

Dennis laughed before speaking I" am totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this park from this room with minimal staff for up to three days. You think that level of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anyone who can network eight machines and debug two million lines of code on my salary? If so, I'd love to see them try."

"I will not get drawn into another financial debate with you Dennis! I really won't." Hammond said in frustration.

"There's hardly any debate at all." Dennis said as he took a bite of chocolate.

"I don't blame people for their mistakes,  but I do ask that they pay for them" Hammond said before walking away.

"Thanks dad" Dennis said with a scowl before typing Dennis the Mennis into the computer and it flashed before showing a timer which he hid behind a coding app "I'll fix some more systems when they get back, but for now I'm on break"

Dennis left the control room and walked past a vending machine full of drinks, he walked past multiple rooms and then on the Intercom John Raymond was heard "If you wish to leave, the boat leaves at 2000"

Dennis frowned as he stopped at the double doors that said: Bio Engineers only! Dennis brought out the Barbasol can and checked his watch, it was 1900. Dennis then smiled and pushed open the door as the card lock system shut down and the cameras drooped.

Dennis walked into the Embryo storage room with ease, all of the Cameras were off and the Card locking systems were down.

"Maybe you'll learn to pay your employees properly" Dennis said as he opened the Embryo Chamber. The chamber spilt out a dense fog of Liquid Oxygen that fell out in small sheets.

Dennis looked around the chamber and saw twelve different sets of tubes each with about four vials of viable embryo. Dennis took one from each species then took extra from Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor. Dennis then noticed a second chamber labeled: Site B. Dennis opened it and took out one of every species embryo. Dennis then went to the garage and looked at a timer on his watch that read twenty, and was rapidly declining in the seconds section. He got into the last remaining Jeep that happened to hold the only lethal weapon on the island, and he drove off.

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