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Renshu enters the mansion, the wood floors and lavish furnishings reflecting old money. There were oil paintings on the walls, as well as a huge stairway with a balcony. Used clothing littered the couch and a few pairs of shoes were strewn about beside the door. The majority were sneakers, with one pair of formal shoes.

"I almost want to shout the butler did it," Renshu listened but didn't hear a sound. "Are there no servants?" he inquired as he kicked his shoes into the corner before pushing them in the corner with his toes.

[Answering Host. There are no servants.]

"So Ayra lives here by himself? Do I have to clean the whole place? Did he inherit it from his parents?"

[Yes Host. Ayra's parents have been gone for ten years. Only he and his adopted brother live here.]

"Adopted brother?"

[Yes, Mayson though Ayra calls him Macey.]

"Is he home?"

[No Host.]

"Perfect. Give me the layout of the house."

Renshu followed the directions on the map to the kitchen. A stack of dishes was left in the sink, as were a couple of open envelopes on the counter. Renshu goes to the fridge and takes out the ingredients for a ham sandwich.

"Any sign of the virus?" Renshu inquired as he put together his sandwich.

[No, Host. But I'm probably wrong. That malware is devious. I'm not sure how it avoids my scans.]

Renshu hid his smile as he lightly pressed the second slice of bread on top of the sandwich.

"Well, we'll simply have to keep our eyes peeled."

Taking a bit of the sandwich, Renshu snooped around the house. While the interior spoke of wealth, it was messy and lived in: dishes and clothes were strewn about every room, ready to be put away.

Renshu attempted to turn the doorknob of one of the east hall doors, but it was locked.

"What room is this?"


Renshu knelt, trying to peer under the door but the carpet was too thick, blocking out the view.Renshu stood up with a huff. He followed the directions to Arya's room as he cast one more glance towards the door.

Arya's room featured a pile of laundry at the foot of the four poster bed and a shelf full of vintage bottles, tags with the year and company on them hanging from the necks. His closet was stuffed with white coats and t-shirts. A silver case sat on top of a drawer full of socks. Renshu took it and carried it to the bed. Renshu pressed his finger against the fingerprint scanner, and it unlocked.

Inside was a small computer with a big monitor that took up half of the suitcase. On the left was what appeared to be a cooler, complete with a vial of silver liquid and an empty vial inside.

When Renshu turned on the screen, a string of data scrolled quickly across. Renshu stared for a moment then quickly closed the suitcase.

Renshu walked around the room one more time before taking up the personal console that was laying on the desk, surrounded by binders bulging with superhero paperwork.

Renshu turned it on and unlocked it with Rein Nett's assistance. The home screen was set up similarly to Renshu's watch. Renshu returned downstairs with the suitcase in one hand and browsing through the tablet's files in the other.

Many of the files were dull: periodicals and studies Ayra had previously written, but there was one encrypted file named ATP.

"Hmmm?" Renshu sprawled on the couch in front of the fireplace, opening the file.

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