Chapter 4

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I swear I will kill Peter and Makayla. Chase was exactly right. They are all over each other every single second. Literally.

"Hey, there you are." Chase said once he found me hiding in the library. "What's wrong?"

Well now I have to tell him.

"Peter and Makayla. You were right they are all over each other and it's absolutely disgusting." Admitting this to Chase actually easier than I thought.

"Yeah, I know. I've just been sitting my room. It's disgusting but I made a deal." He told me.

"Well I guess we should go try to interact with them." The though of this just disgusted me.

Chase and I walked out to the living room and surprise surprise found Peter and Makayla making out on the couch.

"PETER I'M HERE MAKE ME SOME FOOD!" Chase literally screamed announcing himself.

Chase looked over to me with an 'oh shit' face. He forget I was standing next to him.

"MAKE VIOLET SOME FOOD TOO!" He demanded Peter.

Peter turned around with an annoyed face. Well we did interrupt him. Oops. Oh well.

"You know where the food is." Peter said with a monotone voice. "I'm sick of you being all nosy and interrupting everything."

Peter got up and walked over to Chase.

"Why don't you take this little whore to the pool?" Peter asked Chase with a smirk on his face.

He did not just call me a whore. Oh no he did not. But he did. Before I could say anything Peter already got a response.

Chase's face turned into stone and had a cold look in his eyes. Chase took one, one punch to Peter and Peter was on the floor.

Makayla gasped in the background and yelled "Peter!"

Peter brought his hand to the side of his face checking for any blood. There was some just let me tell you that.

Peter slowly got up with Chase staring him down.

"Dick." Is all Peter said before he took a swing of his own.

But it's obvious that Chase is 20 times stronger because Chase didn't budge. Not one bit. Chase took a half step forward and sent an upper cut right to Peter's chest. Peter was gasping for air and began to look slightly afraid. Chase noticed this and sent one last punch to Peter's face before saying anything.

"Your the dick here friend." Chase's look was still cold and his voice was pierced with anger. "Violet's no whore. Just because she dated you, that doesn't make her one."

I'm not sure if Peter has noticed that Chase and I have gotten closer and well we're an item now as they call it. Peter's probably been lip locked the whole time.

"Go on." Peter said with an intrigued face.

"You are just jealous because you can't have what you want now. I have what you want." Chase explained to Peter. "I have Violet. We're kinda a thing now. Thanks to you."

Peter stared at Chase with a shocked face for a moment.

"I have Makayla." That's all he could say. Really Peter? Scared much?

"Let's go babe." Chase said to me grabbing my hand and leaving the house.

"I'm sick of his shit." Chase told me in fustration. His hand that wasn't holding my hand was still clenched into a fist.

"I know. So am I. But I have no where else to live." I said as we walked to Chase's truck.

"Well no matter what, I am not leaving you there alone. He's pissed off and he will be for awhile Violet." Chase said turning around looking down into my eyes. "He's dangerous when he's mad. And I won't leave you alone at all when he's there. He's pissed off at both of us."

He searched my eyes for some sort of response but I couldn't show one until I knew he was finished speaking.

"I will protect you Violet. I love you." Chase finally finished and found a response from me.

"Thank you. I don't have a clue what I would do without you." I gazed into his gorgeous eyes. "I love you Chase."

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