Chapter 16

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-Colton's POV-

"Colton we both love her to death, but I messed up my first chance with her and I know you won't." Peter said to me.

"How do you know that?" I asked Peter.

"Because you're a great guy dude. I've known you almost my whole life and never have I seen you mistreat a girl. Not one." He answered me, looking me straight in the eyes.

I sat there spinning the beer bottle in my hand. I stared at the bottle thinking of what I should do.

"Yeah well actually I have. Pretty badly too. But thats another story." I began. "But I know that she does not look at me in any other way except as a brother."

"That could be. And I honestly have no clue what to say to that. Think about your decision. I'm going to go get some food." Peter said leaving my house.

I honestly do love this girl. I don't know what I would do without her. I've always had that special feeling for her but never wanted to take it seriously until now.

I got up and went over to Peter's to bring Scarlett some things that she left here the other day. As I drove over to Peter's I saw that Chase's truck was in the driveway. I pulled in and saw that Natalie was in the passenger seat looking quite impatient.

"Going somewhere special?" I asked her leaning on the door.

"He's taking me home. We broke up." She stared straight ahead.

"That sucks. Sorry." I told her.

She turned in the seat to look at me.

"Awh thanks. Your like a big teddy bear. Maybe we could go into the back seat..."

I just stood there and smirked looking down.

"I do miss you being my boyfriend Colton, even after everything you did to hurt me."

"Natalie, maybe we should-" I got cut off by her leaning out the window and kissing me.

"Natalie. No. I do not want you." I said pushing her off.

"Ugh fine." She said leaning back into the truck.

I walked away rolling my eyes. I found Scarlett on the couch watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I hate that show.

"Hey Scar here's your charger." I said to her, walking over to the couch.

"Oh thanks Colt." Scarlett thanked me.

I turned around and headed for the door.

"Hey Colton." Scarlett started. "Go out with Violet. I know."

I smiled at the thought of my little sister giving me permission to date someone, even if it is her best friend.

"Will do little sis." I assured her.

I drove off and went to the local Garden Shop. I walked into the little building in the middle of all the fields. I spotted a rose bouquet but knew that that wasn't what I wanted. I looked behind the roses and saw a fresh violet bouquet. That's what I want. I bought the flowers and went to see Violet.

"Hi, what room is Violet Knight in?" I asked the secretary on the first floor.

She typed her name on the computer and wrote something down on a notepad.

"She just got moved today actually. She is now in room 92 which is on the fourth floor. First hall on your right when you come out of the elevator." The secretary told me.

"Thank you." I said, walking away.

I found Violet's room and walked in and noticed that she was completely asleep. Good. Don't want her to see me.

I quietly walked over to the stand next to her and set down the flowers. I didn't put any note on them. Don't want her knowing I gave her the flowers.

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