Chapter 14

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-Violet's POV-

He had no clue how much I wanted him to continue to follow me and chase after me. I truly do love him. But now that I know he has found his happiness and peace, I must find mine. My peace. Among the clouds and stars. Life without complications.

"Violet this is going to sting a little." The doctor told me, putting a needle, a huge one might I add, into a vein in my arm.

That's the last sentence I could fully make out until the rest was just mumbles and hushed whispers.

My life flashed through my eyes and I remember the first time I met Chase. He was hanging out with Peter and he stole my pizza. And how Scarlett was there to listen to me bawl my eyes out once Peter broke up with me. Everything flashed in an instant.

The last noise I ever heard was a nurse yelling out to call in another doctor immediately.

I can't believe they waited so long to 'try' to fix everything wrong with me. Two weeks. My pain increased, which is probably why they need another doctor. My condition got worse.

I then saw all the bad things that happened to me in my life. Makayla ruining practically everything. Chase leaving. Peter and I.


Those are the last things I ever remembered and heard on this Earth. My time on this Earth. It was over.


As I blinked my eyes while waking up I finally took in reality. I wasn't dead. Darn.

But I did know that all my friends and not-friend-but-ex-friends-girlfriend were in my hospital room. I looked down and saw the tan hand on top of mine. I noticed that it was their left hand and then something shiny caught my eye. And it was on their ring finger. It was an engagement ring. How wonderful.

I looked up to see Chase's girlfriend, well fiancé looking at me. Why in hell is she looking at me. Stop. Looking. At. Me.

"Nice to meet you Violet. I'm Natalie. Chase's fiancé." Natalie said in a soft tone.

Okay so she seemed super nice but I was just itching to slap her. But I never got to. I found myself back asleep. In my dreams. Damn it. What the hell happened to me?

-Two hours later-

As I woke up, again, I saw everyone still here but this time Colton was sitting on my bed. That was a much better sight to wake up to.

He leaned forward slowly and kissed me on the head. I cringed since he just kissed me. What really happened? I was only out three days.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me, showing a look of concern.

"Fine." I replied with a quiet tone. "What's the big deal guys? Why are you all here? And why are you all being extremely nice and gushy and lovey dovey? I was only out for three days."

They all looked at each other, glancing at me for a second then back at each other. They all looked terrified as if they just saw someone rip out someone's heart.

"Well? What?" I asked dumbfounded.

Colton raised a hand as if to say I got it. He took a deep breath before he answered my question.

"Violet, you weren't out for three days." Colton began to say.

"Okay so I was out for a week. They said that three days was the least." I said as if nothing was wrong.

"Violet, you were out for a year and five months." Colton said slowly.

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