Chapter 21

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"Violet you have to come out sooner or later." Chase began to say. "I know why your hiding."

I was currently sitting on the floor and staring at the door listening to Chase.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you feel something for all of us. But I know now that by now, you almost know who you want. Now come on downstairs, we all have a surprise for you. I'll meet you down there."

I didn't say anything I just stared at the door.

"Dress, nice, and sexy." Chase said with a laugh but I could tell he was serious. I heard him stop on the first step of the hard wood stairs. He quickly then ran down the rest.

I sat there on the carpeted floor, plucking pieces of the carpet. I stared intently at the floor listening to the boys murmurs from downstairs. I couldn't make out just what they were saying but figured it was about me. Unfortunately. I slowly stood up, turning my head to the closet. I've been in my room for a week and a half only changing into different night wear. But yes, I've showered.

I opened the closet doors and began to rumage through everything hanging up. I ended up with finding a two piece, a gold crop top and matching high waisted skirt. I closed the closet doors and silently walked over to my shoe rack. I found my pair of black peep toe wedges and slipped them on. I couldn't help but realize that my face looked like crap. I put on some foundation and then liquid eyeliner going for the winged look, I curled my lashes and put on mascara. I found some lip gloss that was clear and put that on, giving my lips a sparkle. I looked complete? No, I didn't. I quickly flat ironed my hair under ten minutes. And to my surprise my hair looked actually pretty good.

I walked to the door and wrapped my hand around the cold handle. I slowly pulled my hand off the handle. I looked down at my hand and took a deep breath. Just like before I put my hand on the door handle but this time I opened it. I walked out of my room and stood at the top of the steps. I walked downstairs to find Colton, Chase,and Peter.

Colton has been very understanding of the whole situation and said that we could take a break so yeah.

All three boys were all in suits. And damn did they look hot. It was around sunset now so they wouldn't sweat to death.

"Violet Grace Knight, we are here to assist you to a lovely night on the top hill to watch the sunset." Colton started. He then looked to Peter.

"We shall escort you to the lovely vehicle we have prepared for this evening. The vehicle being my Camaro that we know you love." Peter said with a slight chuckle. He then looked to Chase.

"Now our Lady, would you let us escort you to your ride?" Chase asked.

I simply nodded. They all were being extremely adorable. I followed them as they escorted me to the car. Peter opened the door for me and I got in smiling. We were at the top hill by sunset and gosh was this sunset one of a kind. It was absolutely stunning.

We all talked for a while, all three of them leaning on the hood of the car looking past the hill into the sunset and at me. I was standing in front of all of them looking the opposite way. It was quiet for a few minutes until I broke the silence.

"I'm glad that I got to spend a summer with you three." I said smiling at all of them.

But in that moment that was when it happened. That's when I kissed him, even though the other two were standing there staring. I kissed him passionately knowing that he was who I wanted.

He was the one I wanted and the sunset made it even better. He was the one.

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